Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Say It Isn't So

Maybe you liked him with that "devil may care" attitude in the Road Warrior movies or was it those Lethal Weapon flicks??? In any case, if you were under a rock when those came out you certainly fell for Mel when he turned his back to the English during Braveheart and raised his kilt. I know, that one got me hooked too.

It was just announced today that ABC is passing on Gibson's Holocaust tv miniseries as there hadn't been a script seen in the two years the project has been in the works. No, they wouldn't say that due to recent events (anti semitic remarks) that they decided to pass...maybe they believe Mell will continue to hold some clout in Hollywood.

So Mel, are you an anti semite??

One thing that past history teached us is when the famed fall down in all their glory they need to do a couple things. They need to admit that they screwed up, apologize unendingly, they need to get help if need be and finally they need to get out of the lime light for a while.

I imagine somewhere in a cave in the Pakistani-Afghan border you brought a smile to Bin Ladin's face...or maybe it was Al Zawahiri's...oh hell, ok...both are jumping up and down praising your tequilla induced tirade against the jews as comming from the heart.

Good Night and Good Luck

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