Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Descent

I have to admit, this was a pretty good thriller. I won't give away any spoilers (unfortunately the trailer here gives away one of the big jump-out-of-your-seat moments), but this is a good excersize in creating tension, mood, atmosphere, with an impending sense of doom.

While it's not quite the grand-slam I was hoping for, it proves to be much more intelligent and gripping than some of the other, exploitive, flicks that have come out in recent years (Wrong Turn and this years sorely missing the point Hostel come to mind).

Here's hoping that Neil Marshall continues to make intelligent, independent thrillers (we all know what happens when studios get involved). Those who haven't already scene Marshall's debut, Dog Soldiers, are in for a tail-wagging treat.

1 comment:

Scott Barker said...

The "being", I say being cause from the trailer it is not clear what it is, could be a long lost spelunker left for dead years ago now bent on revenge.... a la Friday The 13th.