Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Stupidity Report For Aug 27, 2006

Thanks to the Rev Timothy Labouf, Watertown is on the lips and minds of more people than the efforts of Arthur Shawcross' mildly successful attempts to bring Watertown, NY some notoriety.

Labouf and therefore Watertown, NY has probably been googled more times than that dude in Washington state who had sexual relations with a horse and could not be arrested for it cause apparently it isn't illegal as no harm was done to the animal. I apologize for those Washingtonians if I named the wrong state but you get the idea.

The latest from Canton, OH

The Rev. Timothy LaBouf said he fired Mary Lambert, who taught for 54 years, because of a Scripture written by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy. It states: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”

But the Rev. Gary Martin, senior pastor at True Light Christian Ministries in Canton, rejects the notion that women cannot teach men in church.

“We have women teachers in our church,” he said. “As a matter of fact, every fifth Sunday, women bring the message in our church. We don’t believe women are inferior to men spiritually. They have something to add to the ministry.”

Now my question is this: Wasn't the Apostle Paul also known as the "Quiet Apostle"?? It seems quite obvious what he thought about women. He must have thought that although women have a roll in society they should not have a role in, nor to influence the Apostles and therefore their teachings as it would bring about the destruction of all that they accomplished??? Wasn't it the Apostle John who introduced Mary to the group and shortly thereafter the group disbanded, never to write again as a group?

Something to think about.

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