Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Israel vs Hezzbollah... Who Won?

That is a nice question. Who won?? If you look at either side, the both say they won so let us dig a little deeper.

Israel won in the short term in that if all goes as planned Hezzbollah will be removed from southern Lebanon and replaced by the Lebanese army and a UN force.

That is short term.

The seeds for this battle were sewn long ago not in the partitioning of Palestine after WWII but with the social programs Hezzbollah has provided over its many years. With money from Iran and support from both Iran and Syria Hezzbollah has provided the communities with essential social programs at a time when all western governments closed their eyes and turned their backs on these people.

Immediately after the cease fire people were signing up for aid. Aid not from the United Nations, not from The Red Cross/Red Crescent, not from Lebanon but from Hezzbollah. This is where the next battle should be fought. How can one ultimately win against an enemy that is not centralized but more of a movement. How can we turn the tide against decades of poverty and displacement... the root cause of those against us. Most of them have grown up knowing one benefactor, Hezzbollah.

This is where the next battle should be fought but this we will never see.

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