Monday, August 21, 2006

Tesla Roadster - Who said the electric car is dead?

An electric car that goes 0-60mph in 4 seconds... That lasts approximately 250 miles per charge... That has Zero emissions... That doesn't make a sound while idiling.

In a time where Ford is slashing production--and thank God, those Mustangs are one of the fugliest car on the road--upstart Tesla Motors based in Silicon Valley (no, that's not a suburb of Detroit)has proven the electric car CAN be performance based AND efficient. Here's to hoping that $90,000 price tag for the Roadster comes down over the next few years.

1 comment:

Scott Barker said...


Let us break it down a bit. Assuming my math correct, you get the following:

110 watts (watt hours) used per km

I am not sure why they don't stick to either metric or US standards but we'll deal with it.

1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers

so if you can get 250 MILES per charge then multiply that by 1.609344 = 402 km.

110 watts x 402 km in single charge = 44220 total watts or watt hours. Divide that by 1000 to get a kilo watt. A KW is the standard at which the homeowner is charged.

I get it down to 44.22 KWH per charge or the advertised 250 miles.

Now take the 44.22 and multiply by the KWH cost your utility is charging you. ....say, .13 for example. It now breaks down into something we can all relate to....cost of a fill up. I get $5.74.

If your utility has a time of use plan where your rates are higher during peak usage hours and considerably cheaper during night time then the cost can be lowered dramatically.

Assuming of course my math is correct.