Is it me or is the Janis Joplinesque voice of Dilanah (or however you spell it) getting old?? I was hoping beyond hope that she would be the next to go but it was hard deciding which of the three performances last night I disliked the least. Quite a contrast to the previous night where all of the performances were: "right on", "killer" or whatever the lexicon of these ne'erdowells is at the moment.
I found myself listening to the first 10-20 seconds of each performance only to find the pain unbearable and fast forwarding through the DVR. Ryan's stage presence left lots to be desired and that is what probably got him the boot. You kind of saw it comming when he climbed up on a stack of speakers or perhaps when he opened the bottle of champagne. The only thing that was lacking in that performance was the stabbing of a fan in front of the stage by a member of Hells Angels a la Altamont....oh those WERE the days weren't they.
If I were to chose a female for this group I would have to chose Storm but my real money is on Magni.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Rascal Flatts

After dragging Shelly to see the likes of Elton John/Billy Joel, Rush, Queensryche, Nickelback, Judas Priest/Anthrax and Motley Crue it was my turn to be dragged.
Last night was Rascal Flatts at the NY State Fair. If I am buying tickets to a show that I know about ahead of time I am right on Ticketmaster before they go on sale and I normally can get pretty good seats within a few armslength of the stage. This wasn't the case as within the first couple of minutes the only seats that were available were way high in the grandstand. The pic was taken with my camera phone so certainly not my best work.
Ok so this is my first country concert and considering my primary choice of tunage above well my first stop after getting into the concert was two El Grande Blues (Labbatt) to ease my pain and cut the edge. Considering I am here now writing about my exploits it is safe to assume that I did not burst into flames.
When I see a group perform live I am not there only to see them play as a whole but I watch the individuals play their respective instruments. This is the same whether it is BB King, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, or Iron Maiden. I have to say that I, as well as the crowd like the little snippets of AC/DC, Aerosmith and others that all three groups did.
Anyways, at risk of tarnishing my music listening image lol I did tell Shelly last night that I enjoyed the show and would go to see them again. I a convert???
Are you nuts???
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Landlord's Daughter - The Wicker man
Why do I have a feeling the following scene will be absent from the Wicker Man remake starring Nicolas Cage? The original, starring The Equalizer himself along with Christopher Lee, is a classic, one of a kind film. Part of its charm comes from these folksy songs throughout the movie(especially the scene where the Landlord's Daughter tries to seduce Sgt. Howie).
The original is a movie that will linger in your mind for a very long time, and I just can't image the remake--with it's CGI special effects (why?!)--can measure up.
Do yourself a favor and seek out the original, and see one of Christopher Lee's greatest performances.
Why do I have a feeling the following scene will be absent from the Wicker Man remake starring Nicolas Cage? The original, starring The Equalizer himself along with Christopher Lee, is a classic, one of a kind film. Part of its charm comes from these folksy songs throughout the movie(especially the scene where the Landlord's Daughter tries to seduce Sgt. Howie).
The original is a movie that will linger in your mind for a very long time, and I just can't image the remake--with it's CGI special effects (why?!)--can measure up.
Do yourself a favor and seek out the original, and see one of Christopher Lee's greatest performances.
The Doom and Gloom Report - CBS's Jericho
Just from the trailers that have appeared on tv we will attempt to expose some inaccuracies within the show....or at least try to and if no, it might just make you think.
Like for instance...the flash to bang time seems to be off. Actually in the trailers, the flash and the bang happen at the same time. I will have to watch this a little more carefully when the actual show is on. For you to see the flash and hear the bang at the very same time....well, you wouldn't be alive long enough to talk about it. Remember lightning???? 10001, 1002, 1003....tells you har far away the lightning struck when you hear the thunder., same principle here. Kansas to Boulder or Denver must give you up to 5 seconds or more from the time you see the flash to the time you hear the explosion. Now thinking about it, they show blast damage. That would need to occure extremely more close to the source of the explosion than the distance the show gives the viewers.
Electro Magnetic Pulse... (EMP) That is where you see all the lights go out at once. Those circuits are now fried. Now when they speak that they have their own frequencies but not any from the outside.... How is this possible if they experienced an EMP?? They could have miraculously shut their system down prior to the emp but this is unlikely unless they were aware of an impending nuclear explosing which from the tone of the trailers they were not.
Maybe it is me but I really hope the creaters took a little more thought into the scientific possibilities and didn't take too much literary license here.
We'll see next month.
Til then, remember to take breaks when loading your safe room.
Like for instance...the flash to bang time seems to be off. Actually in the trailers, the flash and the bang happen at the same time. I will have to watch this a little more carefully when the actual show is on. For you to see the flash and hear the bang at the very same time....well, you wouldn't be alive long enough to talk about it. Remember lightning???? 10001, 1002, 1003....tells you har far away the lightning struck when you hear the thunder., same principle here. Kansas to Boulder or Denver must give you up to 5 seconds or more from the time you see the flash to the time you hear the explosion. Now thinking about it, they show blast damage. That would need to occure extremely more close to the source of the explosion than the distance the show gives the viewers.
Electro Magnetic Pulse... (EMP) That is where you see all the lights go out at once. Those circuits are now fried. Now when they speak that they have their own frequencies but not any from the outside.... How is this possible if they experienced an EMP?? They could have miraculously shut their system down prior to the emp but this is unlikely unless they were aware of an impending nuclear explosing which from the tone of the trailers they were not.
Maybe it is me but I really hope the creaters took a little more thought into the scientific possibilities and didn't take too much literary license here.
We'll see next month.
Til then, remember to take breaks when loading your safe room.
Thank You
We have a few people who visit this blog on occasion but there is one who is unknown. This person uses Westelcom and must do his or her viewing at work since no hits occure after 5 or on the weekdays.
I can see that for the most part it is just a visit, through Newzjunky, to see what's up but there are times where the visitor will peruse the commentaries made by those of us who have left behind our thoughts for the day.
Happy to know we're providing something worth reading.
and to that,
post script.... feel free to leave a comment or two if appropriate.
I can see that for the most part it is just a visit, through Newzjunky, to see what's up but there are times where the visitor will peruse the commentaries made by those of us who have left behind our thoughts for the day.
Happy to know we're providing something worth reading.
and to that,
post script.... feel free to leave a comment or two if appropriate.
Lest We Forget
I had the luxury of visiting New Orleans a couple of years ago. The french quarter is something that one will never forget. The city was rich with history, architecture, and its people. Currently it is but a shell of its former self.
We, as a people, should never forget the tragedy that occured. The seemingly needless despair by the people. People, reguardless of color or background should never be forced en masse into a sea of hopelessness that Katrina left.
Lessons should be learned and rememberd to limit the reoccurance...... anywhere. Mandatory evacuations should be just that.....mandatory, and as such the people should be afforded a way out if they are unable to do so on their own. Governments at ALL levels failed these people and consequently failed us all.
Lest we forget

We, as a people, should never forget the tragedy that occured. The seemingly needless despair by the people. People, reguardless of color or background should never be forced en masse into a sea of hopelessness that Katrina left.
Lessons should be learned and rememberd to limit the reoccurance...... anywhere. Mandatory evacuations should be just that.....mandatory, and as such the people should be afforded a way out if they are unable to do so on their own. Governments at ALL levels failed these people and consequently failed us all.
Lest we forget

The first rule of RockStar...
...Is you don't talk about RockStar. But what I REALLY want to know is what was (obviously) edited from the show when Newsted glared up into the peanut gallery after giving Ryan some criticism. It was obvious a fan must of shouted something out (criticism of their own to Jason, one can only guess)--because he looked none too pleased.
As for the show--well, it took almost two months, but a) we finally got a good show and b) Lukas was in the bottom three by the close of the show. My bottom three was actually Lukas, Storm, and Dilana, so I wasn't too far off--though it will be interesting to see how much viewer sympathy Dilana gets. Personally, I think her comments last week started her ship to sink, and then her blow-up may have sealed the deal. I can't see the voting public forgiving and forgetting both ordeals.
The performances--No. 1 and No. 2, separated by a hair on Magni's chin (cause he ain't got none on his head), go to Magni and Toby. I'm not a Billy Idol fan, save Money Money and Cradle of Love (and that had to do more with the girl in the video), but Toby seems to be made to sing these songs and it's his performance that makes them worthwhile. The song is just a song is just a song, so it's up to each artist to demonstrate what they're capable of bringing each and every week.
Magni, however, did what nobody in two seasons has managed to do on either RockStar, American Idol, or hell, the general publics own private showers, and that's sing--and I can't emphasize SING enough--I Alone by Live. Every other rendition has the vocals shrieking or shredding through the chorus, on the verge of popping throat vessels and causing lung clots. Most people have misinterpreted the intensity of the performance for vocal anarchy, but Magni actually sang it quite well.
Ryan was a bit all over the place with his performance, but I couldn't help to think just where and the hell did this guy come from over the last few weeks. He's definately found his little comfort zone with intense performances. Jason's criticism, I believe, was a bit unfounded; Ryan was simply trying to give them the spontinaeity they've harped on lacking from the contestants (just how old is that "walking through the crowd becoming, anyway?)
Storm. Well, she's pretty hot--what can I say? Haha. Actually, she did a good job with Evanescence, but I'll put money on the fact that she probably won't ask Toby to help her again. What's funny is if anybody knows the story behind Evanescence, Ben Moody was the chief songwriter and he left after Amy Lee's head started to get too big with all the attention she was getting. It will be interesting to see how their new album does (I have a feeling the won't have the same success as My Immortal, unless they write a blatent clone of the song).
Dilana, for the first time, showed more range in her voice. There was a "pureness" there in the early going that showed perhaps she does have a bit more to her and that's she's been holding out. She sequed her way into the rough spots with her voice appropriately, but you know, I'd take listening to say, The Veronicas version over hers because it does have that range... But that's just me, and The Veronicas are much cuter (and don't have that scary metal zipper face thing going on).
Last and not least, there's Lukas. I actually have to agree with Gilby, that this was his best performance of the show--however, what exactly does that say if he lands in the bottom three? I'll cut the guy a break this week, but I'll be damned if he's not back frying wings at Hooters in another two months--I just can't HEAR him as the right guy as his voice really lacks the dynamics.
The predicted boot for the week goes to... Storm. Sniff sniff. I'm gonna miss her in those dress/skirts dropping to the floor, but I think she's even been feeling it coming the last few weeks, however, I would not be surprised to see Dilana in the bottom three.
As for the show--well, it took almost two months, but a) we finally got a good show and b) Lukas was in the bottom three by the close of the show. My bottom three was actually Lukas, Storm, and Dilana, so I wasn't too far off--though it will be interesting to see how much viewer sympathy Dilana gets. Personally, I think her comments last week started her ship to sink, and then her blow-up may have sealed the deal. I can't see the voting public forgiving and forgetting both ordeals.
The performances--No. 1 and No. 2, separated by a hair on Magni's chin (cause he ain't got none on his head), go to Magni and Toby. I'm not a Billy Idol fan, save Money Money and Cradle of Love (and that had to do more with the girl in the video), but Toby seems to be made to sing these songs and it's his performance that makes them worthwhile. The song is just a song is just a song, so it's up to each artist to demonstrate what they're capable of bringing each and every week.
Magni, however, did what nobody in two seasons has managed to do on either RockStar, American Idol, or hell, the general publics own private showers, and that's sing--and I can't emphasize SING enough--I Alone by Live. Every other rendition has the vocals shrieking or shredding through the chorus, on the verge of popping throat vessels and causing lung clots. Most people have misinterpreted the intensity of the performance for vocal anarchy, but Magni actually sang it quite well.
Ryan was a bit all over the place with his performance, but I couldn't help to think just where and the hell did this guy come from over the last few weeks. He's definately found his little comfort zone with intense performances. Jason's criticism, I believe, was a bit unfounded; Ryan was simply trying to give them the spontinaeity they've harped on lacking from the contestants (just how old is that "walking through the crowd becoming, anyway?)
Storm. Well, she's pretty hot--what can I say? Haha. Actually, she did a good job with Evanescence, but I'll put money on the fact that she probably won't ask Toby to help her again. What's funny is if anybody knows the story behind Evanescence, Ben Moody was the chief songwriter and he left after Amy Lee's head started to get too big with all the attention she was getting. It will be interesting to see how their new album does (I have a feeling the won't have the same success as My Immortal, unless they write a blatent clone of the song).
Dilana, for the first time, showed more range in her voice. There was a "pureness" there in the early going that showed perhaps she does have a bit more to her and that's she's been holding out. She sequed her way into the rough spots with her voice appropriately, but you know, I'd take listening to say, The Veronicas version over hers because it does have that range... But that's just me, and The Veronicas are much cuter (and don't have that scary metal zipper face thing going on).
Last and not least, there's Lukas. I actually have to agree with Gilby, that this was his best performance of the show--however, what exactly does that say if he lands in the bottom three? I'll cut the guy a break this week, but I'll be damned if he's not back frying wings at Hooters in another two months--I just can't HEAR him as the right guy as his voice really lacks the dynamics.
The predicted boot for the week goes to... Storm. Sniff sniff. I'm gonna miss her in those dress/skirts dropping to the floor, but I think she's even been feeling it coming the last few weeks, however, I would not be surprised to see Dilana in the bottom three.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Reverend Labouf
From The Houston Chronicle
Thus saith the Lord, and there are no exceptions
The First Baptist Church of Watertown, N.Y., fired Mary Lambert for being a woman. They say the Bible told them to do it.
Nothing against women, says the Rev. Timothy LaBouf. The church is just trying to obey 1 Timothy 2:11-14, which says in part, "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."
So, after 54 years as a Sunday school teacher at First Baptist, Lambert was given the heave-ho. She and others have said the firing probably had as much to do with church politics as with Scriptural injunctions, but let's stick with the reason in her letter of dismissal: The Bible forbids women taking positions of authority. There is, for the record, a similar injunction in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, which warns that it is "disgraceful" for a woman to speak in the church.
So the church is Scripturally right. It's just not right.
The Lambert case intrigues me because it illustrates a point I've made on many occasions when people bring out Bibles to explain why gay folk deserve no civil rights. Maybe now, without the reflexive emotionalism that gay brings to cloud their view, a few more people will see the obvious: Bible literalism is impractical and impossible. Or maybe they won't see.
Allow me to share an e-mail I received from a gentleman named Al who took exception to my column condemning capital punishment. Said Al, "When one criticizes the death penalty, one criticizes God's judgment in the matter, as Scripture ordains death for numerous crimes. It is not wise to criticize God."
I responded and pointed out that among the crimes for which scripture ordains death are cursing your parents (Leviticus 20:9) or committing adultery (Leviticus 20:10). Did Al really believe those misdeeds should be treated as capital offenses?
"Only if one wishes to accomplish God's will in the matter," Al said.
I don't mind telling you, people like him scare me.
One of America's greatest churchmen recently weighed in on the question of Bible literalism. In a twilight-of-life interview with Newsweek, Billy Graham spoke of the way age and perspective led him to reject the absolutism of the left and right and to make his peace with the notion of God as a loving mystery. People of faith, he said, can "absolutely" disagree about the details of theology. "I'm not a literalist in the sense that every single jot and tittle (of the Bible) is from the Lord," he said. "This is a little difference in my thinking through the years."
It is a difference people like Al would do well to emulate.
Or has no one else noticed how literally some Christians interpret those Scriptures that give them license to condemn, yet how elastic and liberal their readings are when dealing with Scriptures that convict their personal behaviors. Meaning that it's always a little more difficult to catch people being literal about turn the other cheek, do not store up treasures on earth, do not turn away the borrower, love your enemy. Yet, you can't go to the store without tripping over someone who wants you to know the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination.
People obsess on the fine print, yet miss the big picture, the overarching themes of sacrifice, redemption, love. In their selectivity, they are reminiscent of the Islamic fanatics who bomb and behead, citing some passage of the Quran as justification, yet conveniently ignoring a dozen other passages commanding mercy and love. People are much less apt to be selective in the direction of mercy and love.
I'll close by observing that Exodus 35:2 requires death for those who work on the Sabbath. Were I a member of First Baptist, I might wonder where the church leaders stand on that one.
Of course, I'd be scared to ask.
This really hit home my feeling. I speak not in the sense of condemning all those of a particular line of thinking but for those select few who it may apply to.
There is nothing wrong with faith and there is nothing wrong with living your life according to the path of your own choosing. My problem arises though is when people seemingly of faith pick and chose when that faith will apply in their lives and to those around them. Can one really quote scripture left and right, proclaiming the praises of their lord on the one hand while at the same time slandering their neighbor, or worse? It seems a little contradictory to me.
A conversation comes to mind where I was told of two people who have had words and ill will towards each other for years. The two people now were going to be in a position where they would have regular contact. As to how all the history would play now that they two gentlemen would be working together it was said "The one has churched up so I guess all is good".
But why the doublespeak? Why the falseness, the facade? Why would it be that a person speak so spiritually, quoting scripture, singing the praises of our god and like turning off a switch they revert to all things the commandments are against? They use the bible only when it is in their favor to do so.
Hmmm, I have nothing against a little divine intervention...but for many it seems as if a spiritual renaissance wipes the slate clean of all the misgivings of the past, or worse yet, it seemingly gives them perpetual license to abuse.
These people scare me too.
Thus saith the Lord, and there are no exceptions
The First Baptist Church of Watertown, N.Y., fired Mary Lambert for being a woman. They say the Bible told them to do it.
Nothing against women, says the Rev. Timothy LaBouf. The church is just trying to obey 1 Timothy 2:11-14, which says in part, "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."
So, after 54 years as a Sunday school teacher at First Baptist, Lambert was given the heave-ho. She and others have said the firing probably had as much to do with church politics as with Scriptural injunctions, but let's stick with the reason in her letter of dismissal: The Bible forbids women taking positions of authority. There is, for the record, a similar injunction in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, which warns that it is "disgraceful" for a woman to speak in the church.
So the church is Scripturally right. It's just not right.
The Lambert case intrigues me because it illustrates a point I've made on many occasions when people bring out Bibles to explain why gay folk deserve no civil rights. Maybe now, without the reflexive emotionalism that gay brings to cloud their view, a few more people will see the obvious: Bible literalism is impractical and impossible. Or maybe they won't see.
Allow me to share an e-mail I received from a gentleman named Al who took exception to my column condemning capital punishment. Said Al, "When one criticizes the death penalty, one criticizes God's judgment in the matter, as Scripture ordains death for numerous crimes. It is not wise to criticize God."
I responded and pointed out that among the crimes for which scripture ordains death are cursing your parents (Leviticus 20:9) or committing adultery (Leviticus 20:10). Did Al really believe those misdeeds should be treated as capital offenses?
"Only if one wishes to accomplish God's will in the matter," Al said.
I don't mind telling you, people like him scare me.
One of America's greatest churchmen recently weighed in on the question of Bible literalism. In a twilight-of-life interview with Newsweek, Billy Graham spoke of the way age and perspective led him to reject the absolutism of the left and right and to make his peace with the notion of God as a loving mystery. People of faith, he said, can "absolutely" disagree about the details of theology. "I'm not a literalist in the sense that every single jot and tittle (of the Bible) is from the Lord," he said. "This is a little difference in my thinking through the years."
It is a difference people like Al would do well to emulate.
Or has no one else noticed how literally some Christians interpret those Scriptures that give them license to condemn, yet how elastic and liberal their readings are when dealing with Scriptures that convict their personal behaviors. Meaning that it's always a little more difficult to catch people being literal about turn the other cheek, do not store up treasures on earth, do not turn away the borrower, love your enemy. Yet, you can't go to the store without tripping over someone who wants you to know the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination.
People obsess on the fine print, yet miss the big picture, the overarching themes of sacrifice, redemption, love. In their selectivity, they are reminiscent of the Islamic fanatics who bomb and behead, citing some passage of the Quran as justification, yet conveniently ignoring a dozen other passages commanding mercy and love. People are much less apt to be selective in the direction of mercy and love.
I'll close by observing that Exodus 35:2 requires death for those who work on the Sabbath. Were I a member of First Baptist, I might wonder where the church leaders stand on that one.
Of course, I'd be scared to ask.
This really hit home my feeling. I speak not in the sense of condemning all those of a particular line of thinking but for those select few who it may apply to.
There is nothing wrong with faith and there is nothing wrong with living your life according to the path of your own choosing. My problem arises though is when people seemingly of faith pick and chose when that faith will apply in their lives and to those around them. Can one really quote scripture left and right, proclaiming the praises of their lord on the one hand while at the same time slandering their neighbor, or worse? It seems a little contradictory to me.
A conversation comes to mind where I was told of two people who have had words and ill will towards each other for years. The two people now were going to be in a position where they would have regular contact. As to how all the history would play now that they two gentlemen would be working together it was said "The one has churched up so I guess all is good".
But why the doublespeak? Why the falseness, the facade? Why would it be that a person speak so spiritually, quoting scripture, singing the praises of our god and like turning off a switch they revert to all things the commandments are against? They use the bible only when it is in their favor to do so.
Hmmm, I have nothing against a little divine intervention...but for many it seems as if a spiritual renaissance wipes the slate clean of all the misgivings of the past, or worse yet, it seemingly gives them perpetual license to abuse.
These people scare me too.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The Stupidity Report For Aug 27, 2006
Thanks to the Rev Timothy Labouf, Watertown is on the lips and minds of more people than the efforts of Arthur Shawcross' mildly successful attempts to bring Watertown, NY some notoriety.
Labouf and therefore Watertown, NY has probably been googled more times than that dude in Washington state who had sexual relations with a horse and could not be arrested for it cause apparently it isn't illegal as no harm was done to the animal. I apologize for those Washingtonians if I named the wrong state but you get the idea.
The latest from Canton, OH
The Rev. Timothy LaBouf said he fired Mary Lambert, who taught for 54 years, because of a Scripture written by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy. It states: ÂI do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.Â
But the Rev. Gary Martin, senior pastor at True Light Christian Ministries in Canton, rejects the notion that women cannot teach men in church.
ÂWe have women teachers in our church, he said. ÂAs a matter of fact, every fifth Sunday, women bring the message in our church. We donÂt believe women are inferior to men spiritually. They have something to add to the ministry.Â
Now my question is this: Wasn't the Apostle Paul also known as the "Quiet Apostle"?? It seems quite obvious what he thought about women. He must have thought that although women have a roll in society they should not have a role in, nor to influence the Apostles and therefore their teachings as it would bring about the destruction of all that they accomplished??? Wasn't it the Apostle John who introduced Mary to the group and shortly thereafter the group disbanded, never to write again as a group?
Something to think about.
Labouf and therefore Watertown, NY has probably been googled more times than that dude in Washington state who had sexual relations with a horse and could not be arrested for it cause apparently it isn't illegal as no harm was done to the animal. I apologize for those Washingtonians if I named the wrong state but you get the idea.
The latest from Canton, OH
The Rev. Timothy LaBouf said he fired Mary Lambert, who taught for 54 years, because of a Scripture written by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy. It states: ÂI do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.Â
But the Rev. Gary Martin, senior pastor at True Light Christian Ministries in Canton, rejects the notion that women cannot teach men in church.
ÂWe have women teachers in our church, he said. ÂAs a matter of fact, every fifth Sunday, women bring the message in our church. We donÂt believe women are inferior to men spiritually. They have something to add to the ministry.Â
Now my question is this: Wasn't the Apostle Paul also known as the "Quiet Apostle"?? It seems quite obvious what he thought about women. He must have thought that although women have a roll in society they should not have a role in, nor to influence the Apostles and therefore their teachings as it would bring about the destruction of all that they accomplished??? Wasn't it the Apostle John who introduced Mary to the group and shortly thereafter the group disbanded, never to write again as a group?
Something to think about.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The Traveler - Cedar Point - The Pics

This is right off the lobby. There are two animated parrots and a crow in the crow's nest. There is a big sitting area around it where Zack would love to wait for the parrots to talk.

This is the wave pool at the hotel water park. The water is a bit salty.

The waterpark is 100% indoors and must be at least 4 stories tall and absolutely spacious inside.

So many rides for everyone. Hard to decide where to start. Zack loved it all. The girls were there for hours both nights.

Top Thrill Dragster - 120mph out and back in 8 seconds

climbing 400+ feet. Did I go on it??? Are you nuts???

Millenium Force
310 feet tall
300 foot verticle drop
80 degree angle of descent
93 mph (approx)
lenght of ride 2:20

Magnum XL 200
205 feet tall
195 foot verticle drop
60 degree angle of descent
72 mph
length of ride 2:00
Threatening Zack to ride again if he's bad.... PRICELESS!!!!!
The Traveler - Cedar Point
Been away for a few days as we took a car load to Cedar Point in Ohio. This is the second trip for Shelly and I and we brought along Amanda, Ashley and Laura along with us and Zack. It is an 8 hour drive which with only a couple turns off I 90 to bring you to the park entrance. We stayed at a hotel called "Castaway Bay" which is part of the property that just opened earlier this year that is just outside the main entrance of the park.
The main attraction with staying at this hotel rather than one of the others at the property is the indoor water park with many slides for both young and old. We did the water park Wednesday afternoon. Zack loved it!!!! The four biggest slides take you outside the building with each giving you multiple turns before you come down for your landing inside the building at the bottom. The best part of taking this trip this time in the season is NO LINES!!! The waterpark there were no lines at all. At the amusement park the wait times were no longer than 15 minutes. When we were there the last time a couple weeks earlier the wait time for the Millenium Force for example was 2 hours!!!.
The room for a couple nights was a little expensive but considering we got a 2 bedrooms (2nd with 2 bunkbeds) and coupons galore for free admissions, discounts, etcand sooo easy to get to that all things considered it was well worth it. The Pacifica managed 21.6 mpg for all 1000+ miles of the trip fully loaded with people and luggage and crusiing along at 75-80 mph. Not bad at all
The main attraction with staying at this hotel rather than one of the others at the property is the indoor water park with many slides for both young and old. We did the water park Wednesday afternoon. Zack loved it!!!! The four biggest slides take you outside the building with each giving you multiple turns before you come down for your landing inside the building at the bottom. The best part of taking this trip this time in the season is NO LINES!!! The waterpark there were no lines at all. At the amusement park the wait times were no longer than 15 minutes. When we were there the last time a couple weeks earlier the wait time for the Millenium Force for example was 2 hours!!!.
The room for a couple nights was a little expensive but considering we got a 2 bedrooms (2nd with 2 bunkbeds) and coupons galore for free admissions, discounts, etcand sooo easy to get to that all things considered it was well worth it. The Pacifica managed 21.6 mpg for all 1000+ miles of the trip fully loaded with people and luggage and crusiing along at 75-80 mph. Not bad at all
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The RockStar Review
Shhh. Did you hear that? It's the sound of silence. You don't need to be literate to read between the lines of what was going through both the contestants and audiences' minds when Jason, Gilby, and Tommy tugged on Lukas's wanker at the show's finale last night. It was the sound of disbelief, and the look on Dilana's face said it all. Bullshit.
I've long said Lukas doesn't have a shred of talent, and I stand firmly by that after tonight's performance. I literally wondered to myself where the hell was this guys inhaler? I've never seen such a hodge-podge performance with such an affliction of nasal-toned short-breathitis... I think there's a guy undergoing chemo with an iron lung somewhere in Toledo, Ohio that can hold a note longer than Lukas. It was just a G0d-awful performance, but nowhere near as bad as what was to follow...
Dave: That was AWESOME. Tommy: Two words: Check Please. I can't even remember what the other two tweedle-dums said because the camera cut away to Dilana's face while there wasn't nary a peep from the audience. The gig is up. The contestants are finally catching onto something, and so is the audience. This whole thing looks like a runaway train full of bullshit. What's even sadder was how disineterested Lukas looked during just about every other performance--like, dude--what the hell am I doing here. I don't belong here... I'm a creep... Oh, sorry. Digression sucks.
With the finale in three weeks, it looks like we have another round of killing two birds with one stone. One has to wonder if this was intended from the get go, or if it's just the bands' way of silently raising the white flag with "get me the fuck out of here as quick as you can" written in braille.
Top performance of the night: Ryan. I think the originality of his song and the intensity he brought really showed the band something again. He truly is a dark horse. Who will get booted: Patrice, and for good reason. The song sounded like a Lilith Fair hand me down from Juliana Hatfield--which isn't a bad thing necessarily, just not right for the band. Dilana's performance was a little eh, as was Storms. Mangi's was ok, while I thought Toby had the second best performance of the night.
Who will get the encore? I'll be damned at this point if the Lukas conspiracy doesn't pay off, but I think Ryan is more deserving--though he won't get it for he had it last week. Who will get the original song? I think Tobey.
But what I really wanna know is, were Dilana's nipples pierced, too? And just where can I find some uncensored pics of her running around the pool? ;)
I've long said Lukas doesn't have a shred of talent, and I stand firmly by that after tonight's performance. I literally wondered to myself where the hell was this guys inhaler? I've never seen such a hodge-podge performance with such an affliction of nasal-toned short-breathitis... I think there's a guy undergoing chemo with an iron lung somewhere in Toledo, Ohio that can hold a note longer than Lukas. It was just a G0d-awful performance, but nowhere near as bad as what was to follow...
Dave: That was AWESOME. Tommy: Two words: Check Please. I can't even remember what the other two tweedle-dums said because the camera cut away to Dilana's face while there wasn't nary a peep from the audience. The gig is up. The contestants are finally catching onto something, and so is the audience. This whole thing looks like a runaway train full of bullshit. What's even sadder was how disineterested Lukas looked during just about every other performance--like, dude--what the hell am I doing here. I don't belong here... I'm a creep... Oh, sorry. Digression sucks.
With the finale in three weeks, it looks like we have another round of killing two birds with one stone. One has to wonder if this was intended from the get go, or if it's just the bands' way of silently raising the white flag with "get me the fuck out of here as quick as you can" written in braille.
Top performance of the night: Ryan. I think the originality of his song and the intensity he brought really showed the band something again. He truly is a dark horse. Who will get booted: Patrice, and for good reason. The song sounded like a Lilith Fair hand me down from Juliana Hatfield--which isn't a bad thing necessarily, just not right for the band. Dilana's performance was a little eh, as was Storms. Mangi's was ok, while I thought Toby had the second best performance of the night.
Who will get the encore? I'll be damned at this point if the Lukas conspiracy doesn't pay off, but I think Ryan is more deserving--though he won't get it for he had it last week. Who will get the original song? I think Tobey.
But what I really wanna know is, were Dilana's nipples pierced, too? And just where can I find some uncensored pics of her running around the pool? ;)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Other ways to put Watertown on the map!
Come on, play along! Aside from the recent Rev. Labouf fiasco, I would like to nominate the following as potential ways of drawing interest to H20-town:
1). Welcome to Watertown, home of Arthur Shawcross. (unfortunatley, with Cloverdale being torn down, they can't do a "this is where he lived" tour).
2.) Got Tree? Is it just me, or does this place smell like a friggin' air freshner? (no shit, somebody once asked me if Watertown smelled like Vanillaroma).
3.) Forget the Borden haunted house, tell folks Gooddale Street is haunted by the ghost of Tina Hosmer Smith.
4.) Eva Manning. 'Nuff said.
5.) All the shopping one can handle under one roof at the Globe Mini-Mall.
6.) When you're tired of shopping at the Globe Mini-Mall, pull up a stool and have a cold one at the Hitch 'N Post.
7.) The Maywood Mauraders. What a silly little name for a gangfull of pud-pulling COCKSUCKERS. Ooops, looks like I've been reading these posts too much.
8.) Mayor Jeff Graham's combover. What the FUCK is that all about? It's like, hello--that's not a comb-over, that's a freakin' plow-over.
9.) Salmon Run Mall. It should be called Beatnik Central.
10.) 1000 Islands Dressing is really a code word for a chunky pearl necklace.
1). Welcome to Watertown, home of Arthur Shawcross. (unfortunatley, with Cloverdale being torn down, they can't do a "this is where he lived" tour).
2.) Got Tree? Is it just me, or does this place smell like a friggin' air freshner? (no shit, somebody once asked me if Watertown smelled like Vanillaroma).
3.) Forget the Borden haunted house, tell folks Gooddale Street is haunted by the ghost of Tina Hosmer Smith.
4.) Eva Manning. 'Nuff said.
5.) All the shopping one can handle under one roof at the Globe Mini-Mall.
6.) When you're tired of shopping at the Globe Mini-Mall, pull up a stool and have a cold one at the Hitch 'N Post.
7.) The Maywood Mauraders. What a silly little name for a gangfull of pud-pulling COCKSUCKERS. Ooops, looks like I've been reading these posts too much.
8.) Mayor Jeff Graham's combover. What the FUCK is that all about? It's like, hello--that's not a comb-over, that's a freakin' plow-over.
9.) Salmon Run Mall. It should be called Beatnik Central.
10.) 1000 Islands Dressing is really a code word for a chunky pearl necklace.
Remember: This is ILLEGAL in Las Vegas
In a previous post I wrote about a new law enacted in Las Vegas where it made it a crime not only to relieve yourself in public but to sleep within 500 ft of said relieved urine or feces.
This is why:
This is why:
Mel Gibson WARNED Us
I just had to share this. I loved these trailers and this one has to be one of the funniest yet.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Reverand LaBouf - John Mark Karr
The Boston Massacre
Some people may be saying... Scott, where's all that trash talk about the Yankees??? Well here I am they are a good team however overpriced that may be. They have been in Boston's shadow for most of the season and now, at least for the moment they have pulled ahead by a good margin. Are they the best team in baseball??? OMG, certainly not. Detriot and NY Mets are certainly are of the same caliber as the Yankees.
By not being a Yankees fan I don't need my team to win every time. Since I don't care for them, any team that the Yankees play is my team. The Yankees have always been the team to beat during the run up to the post season. Can they keep the momentum or will they self destruct like....say 2004?? Only time will tell.
During the meantime Football is comming on and Hockey will be starting up soon after.
By not being a Yankees fan I don't need my team to win every time. Since I don't care for them, any team that the Yankees play is my team. The Yankees have always been the team to beat during the run up to the post season. Can they keep the momentum or will they self destruct like....say 2004?? Only time will tell.
During the meantime Football is comming on and Hockey will be starting up soon after.
Tesla Roadster - Who said the electric car is dead?
An electric car that goes 0-60mph in 4 seconds... That lasts approximately 250 miles per charge... That has Zero emissions... That doesn't make a sound while idiling.
In a time where Ford is slashing production--and thank God, those Mustangs are one of the fugliest car on the road--upstart Tesla Motors based in Silicon Valley (no, that's not a suburb of Detroit)has proven the electric car CAN be performance based AND efficient. Here's to hoping that $90,000 price tag for the Roadster comes down over the next few years.
An electric car that goes 0-60mph in 4 seconds... That lasts approximately 250 miles per charge... That has Zero emissions... That doesn't make a sound while idiling.
In a time where Ford is slashing production--and thank God, those Mustangs are one of the fugliest car on the road--upstart Tesla Motors based in Silicon Valley (no, that's not a suburb of Detroit)has proven the electric car CAN be performance based AND efficient. Here's to hoping that $90,000 price tag for the Roadster comes down over the next few years.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The RockStar Review
Ah, Zayra. Wasn't that just music to your ears? The best performance she has had on-stage by far, and it was merely telling everybody "goodbye". It almost brought a tear to my eye knowing that the competition is actually reaching a level of legitamicy .
Or is it? I have to say, the notion of having each one of the contestants sing an original song every week FINALLY puts some intrigue into the show... HOWEVER... It's a little off-putting when the performance comes and it's not quite... Live. This is not to say it wasn't, but it certainly wasn't, hmmm, how shall we say, Memorex worthy. First of all, there's the song. Leave the Light On. Is it just me, or does this sound like the title to a Bonnie Raitt country-croon gone bad? You know, where the video stars that Cletus guy and he's got the lights on and finally looks under his covers to see none other than Willie Nelson? Hell yeah, I'd leave them motherfuckin' lights. I mean, shit--that'd give a whole new meaning to "strokin' my Willie".
But I digress. By the way, why do people digress all the time? Oh, nevermind. Back to the show. Yes, Leave The Lights On sounded like it was/is an attempt to please Casey Kasem and the American Top 40 crew. Yes, I can see it now--20 years from now, it will be a long distance dedication from Cletus to Willie, but that's beside the point. The song really had about as much rock in it as Zayra's original spanish lullabye song. Fuck if I didn't feel like eating a damn chimichonga with refried beans after hearing that. If I'd only known Leave The Lights On beforehand, I could have given old Willie a dutch oven--get high on that, Willie! Wooooheeeee! P.S. I'm sure I spelled chimichonga wrong--no offense meant for those working at Taco Bell, Del Taco, or El Pollo Loco.
Damn this digressing thing has got to stop. Back to the song, and the performance. Did anybody else catch the fact that certain parts of it were obviously pre-recorded? Word has it Milli Vanilli is looking to have a new reality show because of this very performance. Actually, it will be pay-per-view and only starring Milli (or is it Vanilli--whichever one isn't dead, anyway), with the live one trying to record a new record via a seance with the other. None other than Rob Zombie is looking to produce.
Jesus, I can't seem to stay on topic here. By the way, I don't know what Jesus has to do with it. Did anybody notice he was actually on the cover of Slayer's new album, with his arms severed? Damn. It's like those guys woke up on the wrong side of the pew one morning after confessional or something. Anyway, yes--the song seemed a wee-bit pre-recorded, though Dilanah (or however you spell her name... I'm getting lazy here) did a pretty good job.
Which brings me to Magni. How on earth he made it to the bottom three is beyond me, though I think it may have been something of a coy move on his part to choose Creep by Radiohead, a song Bukkake-throated Lukas had won an encore for before. I happen to think Magni song the heck out of the song, carrying the lyrics. If you compare his performance to Lukas, you can clearly see Lukas had wind-pipe problems when the lyrics forced him to hold a note. But then again, I might too if I had a friggin gallon of some guys jizz in the back of my throat. The only other cocksucking raspy-voiced guy that's Lukas may have to look up to is Rod Stewart, but word had it that all the manchowder ended up in his stomache--not the back of his throat for eight weeks.
So, here's to next week's show: it does appear that it's becoming a bit more of a competition, but one can only hope the song selections improve rather than using the same songs over and over. Getting the boot next week--Patrice, with Ryan hot on her heels. I don't know if either will ever have that much success, but hey, at least they can aim a little higher than picking up trash ala Boy George this past week. We all know George know about the Crying Game.
Or is it? I have to say, the notion of having each one of the contestants sing an original song every week FINALLY puts some intrigue into the show... HOWEVER... It's a little off-putting when the performance comes and it's not quite... Live. This is not to say it wasn't, but it certainly wasn't, hmmm, how shall we say, Memorex worthy. First of all, there's the song. Leave the Light On. Is it just me, or does this sound like the title to a Bonnie Raitt country-croon gone bad? You know, where the video stars that Cletus guy and he's got the lights on and finally looks under his covers to see none other than Willie Nelson? Hell yeah, I'd leave them motherfuckin' lights. I mean, shit--that'd give a whole new meaning to "strokin' my Willie".
But I digress. By the way, why do people digress all the time? Oh, nevermind. Back to the show. Yes, Leave The Lights On sounded like it was/is an attempt to please Casey Kasem and the American Top 40 crew. Yes, I can see it now--20 years from now, it will be a long distance dedication from Cletus to Willie, but that's beside the point. The song really had about as much rock in it as Zayra's original spanish lullabye song. Fuck if I didn't feel like eating a damn chimichonga with refried beans after hearing that. If I'd only known Leave The Lights On beforehand, I could have given old Willie a dutch oven--get high on that, Willie! Wooooheeeee! P.S. I'm sure I spelled chimichonga wrong--no offense meant for those working at Taco Bell, Del Taco, or El Pollo Loco.
Damn this digressing thing has got to stop. Back to the song, and the performance. Did anybody else catch the fact that certain parts of it were obviously pre-recorded? Word has it Milli Vanilli is looking to have a new reality show because of this very performance. Actually, it will be pay-per-view and only starring Milli (or is it Vanilli--whichever one isn't dead, anyway), with the live one trying to record a new record via a seance with the other. None other than Rob Zombie is looking to produce.
Jesus, I can't seem to stay on topic here. By the way, I don't know what Jesus has to do with it. Did anybody notice he was actually on the cover of Slayer's new album, with his arms severed? Damn. It's like those guys woke up on the wrong side of the pew one morning after confessional or something. Anyway, yes--the song seemed a wee-bit pre-recorded, though Dilanah (or however you spell her name... I'm getting lazy here) did a pretty good job.
Which brings me to Magni. How on earth he made it to the bottom three is beyond me, though I think it may have been something of a coy move on his part to choose Creep by Radiohead, a song Bukkake-throated Lukas had won an encore for before. I happen to think Magni song the heck out of the song, carrying the lyrics. If you compare his performance to Lukas, you can clearly see Lukas had wind-pipe problems when the lyrics forced him to hold a note. But then again, I might too if I had a friggin gallon of some guys jizz in the back of my throat. The only other cocksucking raspy-voiced guy that's Lukas may have to look up to is Rod Stewart, but word had it that all the manchowder ended up in his stomache--not the back of his throat for eight weeks.
So, here's to next week's show: it does appear that it's becoming a bit more of a competition, but one can only hope the song selections improve rather than using the same songs over and over. Getting the boot next week--Patrice, with Ryan hot on her heels. I don't know if either will ever have that much success, but hey, at least they can aim a little higher than picking up trash ala Boy George this past week. We all know George know about the Crying Game.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Little Miss Sunshine
I can only hope that when Oscar time comes early next year, this little indy-film-that-could will be rewarded as one of the best pictures of the year. There have been very few pictures this summer that have stirred me into my wallet, but the positive-by-a-landslide reviews for this movie got me to dish out the $6.25 for a matinee, and it was money well spent. Hell, in hind sight, I would have paid $10 to see this... Three times over.
Dysfunctional families have long been a gold mine for comedies, as have road-trips (think National Lampoon's Vacation, or the more "inspiring" titled Road Trip)--so what you have with Little Miss Sunshine is a goldmine combining the two. The only only knock on it, though it's not - really, is the recent JonBenet case revelation, as the end of this film shows similarly aged girls competing in the film's titular "Little Miss Sunshine" competition in California. There's just something awfully disturbing to see 7 and 8 year old girls all made up to look three times their age.
While I laughed through the movie here and there, I marveled at how the writer was able to shift audiences back and forth between bittersweet and comedy as if by remote control. It's to this affect that the movie's last ten minutes or so left me laughing in a cathartic way that I've not had since watching There's Something About Mary for the first time in a theater eight years ago. I won't spoil what happens, but it's so well handled and deserves kudos for not only providing uproarus laughter, but for going beyond that and finding a much deeper and richer note, one which will undoubtedly leave those in attendance applauding.
Dysfunctional families have long been a gold mine for comedies, as have road-trips (think National Lampoon's Vacation, or the more "inspiring" titled Road Trip)--so what you have with Little Miss Sunshine is a goldmine combining the two. The only only knock on it, though it's not - really, is the recent JonBenet case revelation, as the end of this film shows similarly aged girls competing in the film's titular "Little Miss Sunshine" competition in California. There's just something awfully disturbing to see 7 and 8 year old girls all made up to look three times their age.
While I laughed through the movie here and there, I marveled at how the writer was able to shift audiences back and forth between bittersweet and comedy as if by remote control. It's to this affect that the movie's last ten minutes or so left me laughing in a cathartic way that I've not had since watching There's Something About Mary for the first time in a theater eight years ago. I won't spoil what happens, but it's so well handled and deserves kudos for not only providing uproarus laughter, but for going beyond that and finding a much deeper and richer note, one which will undoubtedly leave those in attendance applauding.
The Stupidity Report for Aug 18, 2006
Local government is always looking out for the best interests of their populous... considering we the taxpayers need these elected officials to babysit us.
Case in point:
Las Vegas, Nevada
People sleep in the shade Thursday at Frank Wright Plaza near Las Vegas City Hall. A ban on public urination and defecation approved Wednesday by the City Council also makes it illegal to sleep within 500 feet of urine or feces, but that provision won't be enforced.
I guess the rampant sleeping in body waste had become epidemic to the point where it was dangerous to public safety.
But really, what message are they sending when they announce that a provision of the law will not be enforced???
To sleep in waste or to not sleep in waste? What about sleeping in excrement within the confines of your own home?? The law doesn't distinguish foriegn waste from your own. This law is a mess since it doesn't even address the infant issue, or adult homes. What if you were on a bender, you pass out and soil yourself?
If this law is to be....I don't think it goes nearly far enough.
Case in point:
Las Vegas, Nevada
People sleep in the shade Thursday at Frank Wright Plaza near Las Vegas City Hall. A ban on public urination and defecation approved Wednesday by the City Council also makes it illegal to sleep within 500 feet of urine or feces, but that provision won't be enforced.
I guess the rampant sleeping in body waste had become epidemic to the point where it was dangerous to public safety.
But really, what message are they sending when they announce that a provision of the law will not be enforced???
To sleep in waste or to not sleep in waste? What about sleeping in excrement within the confines of your own home?? The law doesn't distinguish foriegn waste from your own. This law is a mess since it doesn't even address the infant issue, or adult homes. What if you were on a bender, you pass out and soil yourself?
If this law is to be....I don't think it goes nearly far enough.
Baisez les Français
Yeah, that's right. "Fuck the French"
And make no mistake, I am referring to the government....not the entire population.
The problem here is that France, always wanting to be a leader on the world stage completely blew it. I guess this opportunity did not entirely suit them.
From Reuters
Trying to bolster a five-day-old truce, Lebanese troops moved deeper into south Lebanon a day after France dealt a blow to hopes of building a strong U.N. force to help the army take control of the region as Israeli troops withdraw.
The United Nations said it had received substantial offers of troops for Lebanon, but was disappointed that France was only offering to send 200 additional soldiers.
France's reticence to contribute more troops follows disastrous peacekeeping missions in the past. It lost 58 paratroopers to a Shi'ite suicide bomb attack in Beirut in 1983 and some 84 soldiers in Bosnia in the early 1990s.
"I'd like to remind you of the experience of painful operations where U.N. forces did not have a sufficiently precise mission or the means to react," French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie told RTL radio.
Ummmm, I don't think my eyes will tear up for you any time soon. I guess if there is ever a UN call for peacekeeping troops to Marseille, Lyons or Monaco the French will sit straight in their chairs and triumphantly voice a collective "Oui". I guess then and only then will it be totally safe for them. Is all their activity on the world stage just posturing???
Remember it is not a world war unless France surrenders.
Viva La France!!!
And make no mistake, I am referring to the government....not the entire population.
The problem here is that France, always wanting to be a leader on the world stage completely blew it. I guess this opportunity did not entirely suit them.
From Reuters
Trying to bolster a five-day-old truce, Lebanese troops moved deeper into south Lebanon a day after France dealt a blow to hopes of building a strong U.N. force to help the army take control of the region as Israeli troops withdraw.
The United Nations said it had received substantial offers of troops for Lebanon, but was disappointed that France was only offering to send 200 additional soldiers.
France's reticence to contribute more troops follows disastrous peacekeeping missions in the past. It lost 58 paratroopers to a Shi'ite suicide bomb attack in Beirut in 1983 and some 84 soldiers in Bosnia in the early 1990s.
"I'd like to remind you of the experience of painful operations where U.N. forces did not have a sufficiently precise mission or the means to react," French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie told RTL radio.
Ummmm, I don't think my eyes will tear up for you any time soon. I guess if there is ever a UN call for peacekeeping troops to Marseille, Lyons or Monaco the French will sit straight in their chairs and triumphantly voice a collective "Oui". I guess then and only then will it be totally safe for them. Is all their activity on the world stage just posturing???
Remember it is not a world war unless France surrenders.
Viva La France!!!
This guy studied breeding the same place as Jimmy The Greek. For those who don't rememeber, Jimmy The Greek was a professional odds person in sports. He was also a commentator for CBS Sports if I remember correctly. He was doing an interview and was talking about how and why the african american was a good runner. He said it was due to their large and muscular thighs. They were bred that way or something to the effect. He was promptly unemployed.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Rock Star
I paid hommage to the rock gods when the group FINALLY kicked Zayra out. I hear she was offered her own variety show on Univision. If so she will do well and become an icon a la Don Francisco on Sabado Gigante, a widely popular long running staple of latin americans' lives on Saturday nights.
Enough Said
No new news about the lawsuit.
Maybe they should have a show to name this group.
Enough Said
No new news about the lawsuit.
Maybe they should have a show to name this group.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Religious Extremism
If we have followed the news we know what the Taliband stood for. We know the Religious fundamentalism or extremism is rampant in the Islamic community. We are aware of the contrast between this extremism and the freedoms we all enjoy in our society.
Well ladies and gentlemen we have religious extremism in our own back yard.
from WWNY TV 7 in Watertown, NY
A longtime Sunday school teacher told 7 News Wednesday that she has been dismissed apparently because she is a woman.
Mary Lambert, who has taught Sunday School at Watertown's First Baptist Church for 54 years, said she received a letter from church leaders telling her she can no longer teach at the church.
According to Lambert, the letter states that church leaders adopted a scriptural approach to Sunday school teachers.
Lambert said the letter quotes 1 Timothy 2:11 of the New Testament: "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent."
Well ladies and gentlemen we have religious extremism in our own back yard.
from WWNY TV 7 in Watertown, NY
A longtime Sunday school teacher told 7 News Wednesday that she has been dismissed apparently because she is a woman.
Mary Lambert, who has taught Sunday School at Watertown's First Baptist Church for 54 years, said she received a letter from church leaders telling her she can no longer teach at the church.
According to Lambert, the letter states that church leaders adopted a scriptural approach to Sunday school teachers.
Lambert said the letter quotes 1 Timothy 2:11 of the New Testament: "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent."
Global Water Shortages
By James Grubel Wed Aug 16, 4:41 AM ET
CANBERRA (Reuters) - A third of the world is facing water shortages because of poor management of water resources and soaring water usage, driven mainly by agriculture, the International Water Management Institute said on Wednesday.
Water scarcity around the world was increasing faster than expected, with agriculture accounting for 80 percent of global water consumption, the world authority on fresh water management told a development conference in Canberra.
Globally, water usage had increased by six times in the past 100 years and would double again by 2050, driven mainly by irrigation and demands by agriculture, said Frank Rijsberman, the institute's director-general.
"We could cut global water consumption by 30 %.... immediately" the director-general said "if only we could get people to drink their own urine."
By James Grubel Wed Aug 16, 4:41 AM ET
CANBERRA (Reuters) - A third of the world is facing water shortages because of poor management of water resources and soaring water usage, driven mainly by agriculture, the International Water Management Institute said on Wednesday.
Water scarcity around the world was increasing faster than expected, with agriculture accounting for 80 percent of global water consumption, the world authority on fresh water management told a development conference in Canberra.
Globally, water usage had increased by six times in the past 100 years and would double again by 2050, driven mainly by irrigation and demands by agriculture, said Frank Rijsberman, the institute's director-general.
"We could cut global water consumption by 30 %.... immediately" the director-general said "if only we could get people to drink their own urine."
Israel vs Hezzbollah... Who Won?
That is a nice question. Who won?? If you look at either side, the both say they won so let us dig a little deeper.
Israel won in the short term in that if all goes as planned Hezzbollah will be removed from southern Lebanon and replaced by the Lebanese army and a UN force.
That is short term.
The seeds for this battle were sewn long ago not in the partitioning of Palestine after WWII but with the social programs Hezzbollah has provided over its many years. With money from Iran and support from both Iran and Syria Hezzbollah has provided the communities with essential social programs at a time when all western governments closed their eyes and turned their backs on these people.
Immediately after the cease fire people were signing up for aid. Aid not from the United Nations, not from The Red Cross/Red Crescent, not from Lebanon but from Hezzbollah. This is where the next battle should be fought. How can one ultimately win against an enemy that is not centralized but more of a movement. How can we turn the tide against decades of poverty and displacement... the root cause of those against us. Most of them have grown up knowing one benefactor, Hezzbollah.
This is where the next battle should be fought but this we will never see.
Israel won in the short term in that if all goes as planned Hezzbollah will be removed from southern Lebanon and replaced by the Lebanese army and a UN force.
That is short term.
The seeds for this battle were sewn long ago not in the partitioning of Palestine after WWII but with the social programs Hezzbollah has provided over its many years. With money from Iran and support from both Iran and Syria Hezzbollah has provided the communities with essential social programs at a time when all western governments closed their eyes and turned their backs on these people.
Immediately after the cease fire people were signing up for aid. Aid not from the United Nations, not from The Red Cross/Red Crescent, not from Lebanon but from Hezzbollah. This is where the next battle should be fought. How can one ultimately win against an enemy that is not centralized but more of a movement. How can we turn the tide against decades of poverty and displacement... the root cause of those against us. Most of them have grown up knowing one benefactor, Hezzbollah.
This is where the next battle should be fought but this we will never see.
Rock Star _________________________
Looks like the group won't be called "Supernova" as there is another established band of the same name that has been around for years.
Perhaps that is the reason why we have not seen the unending self promotion of the band as we did last season with "... our band, INXS" Every time a band member spoke he closed his sentence with "... our band, INXS" Has anybody caught that? Ok, I thought maybe it was cause these guys were already widely known here in the US...well Gilby Clark aside. We know who Slash was, but Gilby???? no, I for one never heard of him.
As for last night's show it was not suprising who was in the bottom three and let's hope she stays there...Zayra. Of course the first comment from the band was "nice dress" yes it was but let us move beyond the obvious and have some sort of discourse on how she will or will not round out your band. Every time the group members announce their disapproval she comes back with "I'll give you guys anything you want". Well, for starters let it be something strikingly familiar.....ROCK.
Don't get me wrong, the song she sang was very nice, moving actually. The fact that it was an original made it all the more impressive. I thought for a moment that I was watching Telemundo. Singing an original song in Spanish in an audition for a band such as these three was clearly a bad choice. Of course though, this is just my opinion. If she doesn't end up in the final three then she was obviously saved by the latin viewers once again.
We shall know soon.
PS. My money is on Ryan or Magni
Perhaps that is the reason why we have not seen the unending self promotion of the band as we did last season with "... our band, INXS" Every time a band member spoke he closed his sentence with "... our band, INXS" Has anybody caught that? Ok, I thought maybe it was cause these guys were already widely known here in the US...well Gilby Clark aside. We know who Slash was, but Gilby???? no, I for one never heard of him.
As for last night's show it was not suprising who was in the bottom three and let's hope she stays there...Zayra. Of course the first comment from the band was "nice dress" yes it was but let us move beyond the obvious and have some sort of discourse on how she will or will not round out your band. Every time the group members announce their disapproval she comes back with "I'll give you guys anything you want". Well, for starters let it be something strikingly familiar.....ROCK.
Don't get me wrong, the song she sang was very nice, moving actually. The fact that it was an original made it all the more impressive. I thought for a moment that I was watching Telemundo. Singing an original song in Spanish in an audition for a band such as these three was clearly a bad choice. Of course though, this is just my opinion. If she doesn't end up in the final three then she was obviously saved by the latin viewers once again.
We shall know soon.
PS. My money is on Ryan or Magni
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bill Gates A Neo Nazi??

Speaking at a neo nazi convention in Toronto, Bill Gates speaks of Microsoft world domination.
photo copyright of:
The Stupidity Report for Aug 14, 2006
At this time the details remain sketchy but seeing how it is virtually impossible now to bring a liquid explosives on a plane destined for the US from the UK a group of militants determined not to be upstaged are planning to smuggle such explosives into the United States via shipping containers.
Shhhh, no one tell them these are common household ingredients that alone are inert and are readily available.
Seems that Scotland Yard caught a young hooligan trying to break into a shipping container in a port along The Thames. Constable James Doogan III made the apprehension not from suspected thievery but trespassers and vandalism. When taken into the stationhouse the subject immediately broke down upon the first questioning.
The Constable became suspicious of some devious plot when he discovered 5 cases of hydrogen peroxide in the proximity of the container in question. A check of the container manifest revealed not that the container contained peroxide but of cooking utensils. The young hooligan's (name not currently available) plan was to place the case of peroxide into a container bound for the east coast of the US, board a plane to the US and pick up the cases of peroxide before the shipping container cleared US Customs.....thereby successfully smuggling the five cases into the US.
The container in question was destined for New Guinea . It has not been determined whether this information was relayed to the young terrorist wann a bee
Shhhh, no one tell them these are common household ingredients that alone are inert and are readily available.
Seems that Scotland Yard caught a young hooligan trying to break into a shipping container in a port along The Thames. Constable James Doogan III made the apprehension not from suspected thievery but trespassers and vandalism. When taken into the stationhouse the subject immediately broke down upon the first questioning.
The Constable became suspicious of some devious plot when he discovered 5 cases of hydrogen peroxide in the proximity of the container in question. A check of the container manifest revealed not that the container contained peroxide but of cooking utensils. The young hooligan's (name not currently available) plan was to place the case of peroxide into a container bound for the east coast of the US, board a plane to the US and pick up the cases of peroxide before the shipping container cleared US Customs.....thereby successfully smuggling the five cases into the US.
The container in question was destined for New Guinea . It has not been determined whether this information was relayed to the young terrorist wann a bee
Sunday, August 13, 2006
RockStar Review
Let's get something straight about this show right now: it's totally contrived. Much like RockStar INXS, everybody knows who the final two or three people are going to be, but unlike it's predacessor, SuperNova lacks the drama and the artists to make the show all the more compelling. The only reason freak-show Zayra (Christ, does anybody know how to spell this chick's name?) is still around is to draw ratings. She hasn't got a whole lot of talent, but at this point, she's becoming the equivalent of last season's American Idol version of Chicken Little. She'll continue to receive votes because people have caught onto the fact that she truly does suck and adds to the show suck-factor, which cleverly enough, tries to suck one in with it's suckyness.
That being said, Zayra will probably last a few more episodes until she lands in the bottom three again and the three former stand ins (oh, I'm sorry, two--Gilby Clarke and Jason Newsted weren't members of their original band's lineup), will be forced to hatchet her to show at least a modicum of credability.
After this past week's show, I'm beginning to see parallels to last season's show. Two contestents got the hatchet this week, and deservedly so--though Josh was my darkhorse, once I heard him sing the ONE song, Interstate Love Song, that should have had the house coming down, I knew he had fucked it up too much. When Jill and he chose their own songs again for the elimination round, it wasn't all that surprising both would go. It's suppose to be a ROCK band, and we've got one bluesy non-conformist singing Bad Company, and the other singing Aretha Franklin? WTFIUWT?
Now that Dave Navarro's officially been axed (mutually) by Carmen Electra, he seems like the last person I would want to take advice from. Honestly, criticizing Toby for pulling out the megaphone routine on a Talking Heads song and saying it was contrived and done before, is rather odd coming from a guy who sucked Perry Farrel's face in concert--not to mention Dave never had much of a solo-career himself (thank God there was only one solo release).
The boy-in-trouble rehash involving Lukas certainly can draw comparisons to last seasons ultimate winner who struggled a bit at this point as well. The problem there is that Canadian could sing, whereas Lukas continues to suck beyond belief. I'll give him credit for actually following advice and opening up his lungs a bit, but I'll be damned if the Bukkake still isn't being gargled somewhere in the back of his throat. Again, this guy has very little talent (and perhaps that's an upgrade from previous "no talent" quotes).
Which leaves us with our front-runners. The safe choice at this point has to be Magni--he's consistent, and dare I say, good? He can belt it out, or sing it soft, mixing his vocals up week in and week out. Toby's a little spotty. I think he has the potential, however, each week he just seems to take a step back. Daliah, or however you spell the chick's name, has yet to show true versatility. I think her vocal style would fit several different songs very well, but she sounds too much like Marilyn whats-her-name who sang on the one Metallica song (you know, the album AFTER the black album that proved they were REALLY selling out?). I just don't think I could handle that voice for more than three tracks on an album without changing its tone and losing the rasp around the edges.
The rest, at this point, are pretty much just there to fill up the next 8 or so weeks. The best of the rest, in my book, would be Storm as she can actually sing and lo and behold, is hot. So, here's wishing to a storm blowing in some day, cause I wouldn't mind getting soaking wet with her.
That being said, Zayra will probably last a few more episodes until she lands in the bottom three again and the three former stand ins (oh, I'm sorry, two--Gilby Clarke and Jason Newsted weren't members of their original band's lineup), will be forced to hatchet her to show at least a modicum of credability.
After this past week's show, I'm beginning to see parallels to last season's show. Two contestents got the hatchet this week, and deservedly so--though Josh was my darkhorse, once I heard him sing the ONE song, Interstate Love Song, that should have had the house coming down, I knew he had fucked it up too much. When Jill and he chose their own songs again for the elimination round, it wasn't all that surprising both would go. It's suppose to be a ROCK band, and we've got one bluesy non-conformist singing Bad Company, and the other singing Aretha Franklin? WTFIUWT?
Now that Dave Navarro's officially been axed (mutually) by Carmen Electra, he seems like the last person I would want to take advice from. Honestly, criticizing Toby for pulling out the megaphone routine on a Talking Heads song and saying it was contrived and done before, is rather odd coming from a guy who sucked Perry Farrel's face in concert--not to mention Dave never had much of a solo-career himself (thank God there was only one solo release).
The boy-in-trouble rehash involving Lukas certainly can draw comparisons to last seasons ultimate winner who struggled a bit at this point as well. The problem there is that Canadian could sing, whereas Lukas continues to suck beyond belief. I'll give him credit for actually following advice and opening up his lungs a bit, but I'll be damned if the Bukkake still isn't being gargled somewhere in the back of his throat. Again, this guy has very little talent (and perhaps that's an upgrade from previous "no talent" quotes).
Which leaves us with our front-runners. The safe choice at this point has to be Magni--he's consistent, and dare I say, good? He can belt it out, or sing it soft, mixing his vocals up week in and week out. Toby's a little spotty. I think he has the potential, however, each week he just seems to take a step back. Daliah, or however you spell the chick's name, has yet to show true versatility. I think her vocal style would fit several different songs very well, but she sounds too much like Marilyn whats-her-name who sang on the one Metallica song (you know, the album AFTER the black album that proved they were REALLY selling out?). I just don't think I could handle that voice for more than three tracks on an album without changing its tone and losing the rasp around the edges.
The rest, at this point, are pretty much just there to fill up the next 8 or so weeks. The best of the rest, in my book, would be Storm as she can actually sing and lo and behold, is hot. So, here's wishing to a storm blowing in some day, cause I wouldn't mind getting soaking wet with her.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
FX Caprara
In September of 2005 I purchased a 2004 Jaguar X-Type 3.0 with 18000 miles on it. It's a beautiful car inside and out. Jaguar has a 4 yr 50,000 mile new car warranty so I would still have plenty of warranty to come. I laughed a little when FX Caprara's salesman gave me a one year 12,000 mile used car warranty. Of course I would use a Jag dealer for warranty work. The salesman said that if it needed warranty work they would get it down to the dealer. He had already sold the car so I don't know why he was giving me this info...I was a bit skeptical.
The vehicle has been great for me and would buy another and for it to get between 28-30 mpg hwy is excellent.
So recenlty I had to drive to Syracuse for Zack's dr appt and in Watertown the engine light comes on. A quick look in the owners manual indicated amber light = "limp home mode". I guess a red light would mean abandon ship. While in Syracuse I called the dealer to see if they could run a diagnostic on it and he apologized profusely for being down a tech making him unable to get it in that day. He agreed that I could get it tested locally if the shop had the proper equipment.
So driving home....and I still do not see any depreciation in performance of the vehicle so I thought to stop at Caprara where I bought it to make an appt to have them run the diagnostics. I was thinking if it was something major I would have the work done at Syracuse at the Jag dealer and if minor they could do the work there. Makes sense, right?
So I go into the service dept and talk to one guy. He talks to another who is on the phone who says it's under jag warranty it will have to go there. I asked if they could at least run the diagnostics he said "We could get the code but then we wouldn't know what to do with it".
Really now??? Hmmm The car has ODBII on it as all cars in the US are equipped with per EPA. Let's see now...I guess I would not have been able to have my car inspected at the same dealer I bought it at?? This car would have failed the inspection and I would have left Caprara's clueless as to the cause. I really hope I am wrong here.
In any case I know of a company who work on foreign vehicles. I stopped into G Wizz Auto Group on my way home after stopping at Caprara's and told them what I needed done and if they could run the diagnostic. If the car has ODBII then most likely but the guy asked his head tech to verify and came back with an affirmative and I made an appt.
It took 10 minutes when I went back to my appt to find out that error code that came up (PO456) meant that there was a very small evap system leak. They reset the engine light and to me if it comes back on then there was a leak in the system as opposed to error being caused by a loose gas cap.
It amazes me that a dealer will sell cars he is unable or unwilling to work on. I can understand this being the case with a small mom and pop corner lot but this is one of the supposedly major dealers in the area. I was not asking them to perform warranty work but in the end they couldn't or wouldn't even run a diagnostic thereby turning away work.
So... Will I buy another car at Caprara's??? most likely no. I have bought car's at both Dealmaker and Fucillo's and have not had a problem yet when I needed service.
The vehicle has been great for me and would buy another and for it to get between 28-30 mpg hwy is excellent.
So recenlty I had to drive to Syracuse for Zack's dr appt and in Watertown the engine light comes on. A quick look in the owners manual indicated amber light = "limp home mode". I guess a red light would mean abandon ship. While in Syracuse I called the dealer to see if they could run a diagnostic on it and he apologized profusely for being down a tech making him unable to get it in that day. He agreed that I could get it tested locally if the shop had the proper equipment.
So driving home....and I still do not see any depreciation in performance of the vehicle so I thought to stop at Caprara where I bought it to make an appt to have them run the diagnostics. I was thinking if it was something major I would have the work done at Syracuse at the Jag dealer and if minor they could do the work there. Makes sense, right?
So I go into the service dept and talk to one guy. He talks to another who is on the phone who says it's under jag warranty it will have to go there. I asked if they could at least run the diagnostics he said "We could get the code but then we wouldn't know what to do with it".
Really now??? Hmmm The car has ODBII on it as all cars in the US are equipped with per EPA. Let's see now...I guess I would not have been able to have my car inspected at the same dealer I bought it at?? This car would have failed the inspection and I would have left Caprara's clueless as to the cause. I really hope I am wrong here.
In any case I know of a company who work on foreign vehicles. I stopped into G Wizz Auto Group on my way home after stopping at Caprara's and told them what I needed done and if they could run the diagnostic. If the car has ODBII then most likely but the guy asked his head tech to verify and came back with an affirmative and I made an appt.
It took 10 minutes when I went back to my appt to find out that error code that came up (PO456) meant that there was a very small evap system leak. They reset the engine light and to me if it comes back on then there was a leak in the system as opposed to error being caused by a loose gas cap.
It amazes me that a dealer will sell cars he is unable or unwilling to work on. I can understand this being the case with a small mom and pop corner lot but this is one of the supposedly major dealers in the area. I was not asking them to perform warranty work but in the end they couldn't or wouldn't even run a diagnostic thereby turning away work.
So... Will I buy another car at Caprara's??? most likely no. I have bought car's at both Dealmaker and Fucillo's and have not had a problem yet when I needed service.
The Doom And Gloom Report For Aug 12, 2006
3 arrested on terror charges
Men detained in Mich. Thumb area after buying 80 hard-to-track cell phones
CAR0 -- Days after two Arab-American men from Dearborn were charged in Ohio with terrorism for buying numerous cell phones, three Palestinian men were arrested in Michigan's Thumb area with about 1,000 such phones, authorities said.
Like the case in Marietta, Ohio, the arrests in Caro on Friday morning began when a store clerk became suspicious of the men buying 80 TracFones, which come with prepaid minutes and are often difficult to track.
The next step in terror prevention... Requiring an ID to purchase trac phones at the counter where you currently get the sudafed and you will be limited to 2 cell phones.
Men detained in Mich. Thumb area after buying 80 hard-to-track cell phones
CAR0 -- Days after two Arab-American men from Dearborn were charged in Ohio with terrorism for buying numerous cell phones, three Palestinian men were arrested in Michigan's Thumb area with about 1,000 such phones, authorities said.
Like the case in Marietta, Ohio, the arrests in Caro on Friday morning began when a store clerk became suspicious of the men buying 80 TracFones, which come with prepaid minutes and are often difficult to track.
The next step in terror prevention... Requiring an ID to purchase trac phones at the counter where you currently get the sudafed and you will be limited to 2 cell phones.
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Stupidity Report
A much suppressed report the US government didn't want you to know about was uncovered months before this later Air Terror Report.
It seems as though that even in its developmental stages this plot was no less treacherous. The target??? The space shuttle.
One version of the plot was to smuggle a type of liquid onto the shuttle with a remotely activated detonator. Another version was to groom a potential terrorist from college to go into the astronaut corps and become the first martyr to die in space. Yet another version had a martyr taking over a shuttle and crashing it into the white house.
We don't know how serious these plans were but nevertheless they were uncovered, the plots foiled, and the planners placed into custody.
It seems as though that even in its developmental stages this plot was no less treacherous. The target??? The space shuttle.
One version of the plot was to smuggle a type of liquid onto the shuttle with a remotely activated detonator. Another version was to groom a potential terrorist from college to go into the astronaut corps and become the first martyr to die in space. Yet another version had a martyr taking over a shuttle and crashing it into the white house.
We don't know how serious these plans were but nevertheless they were uncovered, the plots foiled, and the planners placed into custody.
The Doom And Gloom Report for August 11, 2006
Air Terror Plot
So now there is a three hour wait at airports. The plan was to bring aboard planes inert liquids that when mixed together would become explosive. That's not something terribly new. Ever see baking soda and vinegar?? The main ingredient in a popular hand santizer (Purell) is ethyl alcohol (64%). It burns with a very low intensity blue flame.
So now no liquids or gels can be brought onto the plane at all, at least not carry on. The next major terror plot to be uncovered will most certainly be a group of martyrdom seeking hooligans who in mid flight rush toward the doors at 30,000 feet and try to open them or run about the aisle hitting passengers about the head and neck with the back of their shoes....a major insult in the islamic world thereby disrupting the flight.
On a serious note. We are lucky that these people are stuck with their grandiose schemes of destruction which makes them easier to detect and therefore stop. Once they lower their target is when they will truly put fear into the hearts of you and I. When it is very plausible that you and I are in peril just by walking into a WalMart or Walgreens is when the real fear will grip us. At the moment the targets seem to be very large targets and the air traveler. Imagine random acts of violence on a massive scale.
There is not much that can be done if an individual is hell bent on self destruction. Remember, he is off to be one with him a much better place then here on earth. Al Queda is much more of a movement with a common philosphy and goal than it is a group.
We definately have more to fear today than we did yesturday
So now there is a three hour wait at airports. The plan was to bring aboard planes inert liquids that when mixed together would become explosive. That's not something terribly new. Ever see baking soda and vinegar?? The main ingredient in a popular hand santizer (Purell) is ethyl alcohol (64%). It burns with a very low intensity blue flame.
So now no liquids or gels can be brought onto the plane at all, at least not carry on. The next major terror plot to be uncovered will most certainly be a group of martyrdom seeking hooligans who in mid flight rush toward the doors at 30,000 feet and try to open them or run about the aisle hitting passengers about the head and neck with the back of their shoes....a major insult in the islamic world thereby disrupting the flight.
On a serious note. We are lucky that these people are stuck with their grandiose schemes of destruction which makes them easier to detect and therefore stop. Once they lower their target is when they will truly put fear into the hearts of you and I. When it is very plausible that you and I are in peril just by walking into a WalMart or Walgreens is when the real fear will grip us. At the moment the targets seem to be very large targets and the air traveler. Imagine random acts of violence on a massive scale.
There is not much that can be done if an individual is hell bent on self destruction. Remember, he is off to be one with him a much better place then here on earth. Al Queda is much more of a movement with a common philosphy and goal than it is a group.
We definately have more to fear today than we did yesturday
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Family Update
Tonight is the last soccer game for the season. Can't believe the summer is almost gone. Seems hard to believe that a month ago we had temps in the 90's just abou the whole month of July and now recently we have been barely breaking 70. Zack had his first dentist appt last week and all is well. No cavities and no concerns and we go back for a cleaning next week. Yesturday we got the last of the school shopping done. Zack has more clothes than I know what to do with. lol. Just another week and 1/2 we are on our trip to Cedar Point in Ohio. We got clearence from his Dr. yesturday for him to go on the roller coasters cause Zack is tall enough to ride most of the rides. It remains to be seen how many he goes on. Of course he is excited because he is going to "Camp Snoopy" which is the kids park.
After we get back it not too much wait for our Rascal Flatts concert. This will be my first country concert so I am hoping I don't burst into flames. lol
After we get back it not too much wait for our Rascal Flatts concert. This will be my first country concert so I am hoping I don't burst into flames. lol
Wheels Of Justice
The wheels of justice do turn. Sometimes it is like watching paint dry or water evaporate. You need time lapse photography to have proof of its existance.
I am talking about child support.
I have seen first hand how the system works. Although there may be a standing order of support to be paid, week in and week out nothing comes in. Occasionally you do read about someone getting sent to jail for non payment but that person is usually in arrears by 10's of thousands. You have to wonder how....or why, a person is able to get so far behind before the court system decides it is time to intervene??
God only knows
I can tell you that in our own personal case Zack's biological father (whom he has seen only once in 6 1/2 years) has been working steadily for 2-3 months. That must have been the result of an Assistant DA in Ohio pursuing felony charges against him since he was over $10k in arrears.
Mind you....we don't need the money at all but child support is for the child and that is where the money is his bank account. The arrears are still building up but at least he is working a job that isn't under the table or bouncing from job to job.
The main reason for this post is what has happend locally:
Man Accused of Obstructing Vehicle Seizure
WATERTOWN -- Ernest J. McGregor, 35, of 628 Grant St., was charged by city police Tuesday morning with obstruction of government administration and resisting arrest.
According to police documents, "Defendant was arrested during a seizure of his vehicle by the New York State Department of Taxation Child Support Enforcement when he physically interfered with the towing of the vehicle."
Further, "Defendant threw the tow truck's chains from in front of the vehicle, got into the driver's seat, started it, put into reverse and attempted to leave. Defendant refused orders to get out of the vehicle and physically resisted when arrested."
He was due in City Court on August 8.
There might be hope after all.
I am talking about child support.
I have seen first hand how the system works. Although there may be a standing order of support to be paid, week in and week out nothing comes in. Occasionally you do read about someone getting sent to jail for non payment but that person is usually in arrears by 10's of thousands. You have to wonder how....or why, a person is able to get so far behind before the court system decides it is time to intervene??
God only knows
I can tell you that in our own personal case Zack's biological father (whom he has seen only once in 6 1/2 years) has been working steadily for 2-3 months. That must have been the result of an Assistant DA in Ohio pursuing felony charges against him since he was over $10k in arrears.
Mind you....we don't need the money at all but child support is for the child and that is where the money is his bank account. The arrears are still building up but at least he is working a job that isn't under the table or bouncing from job to job.
The main reason for this post is what has happend locally:
Man Accused of Obstructing Vehicle Seizure
WATERTOWN -- Ernest J. McGregor, 35, of 628 Grant St., was charged by city police Tuesday morning with obstruction of government administration and resisting arrest.
According to police documents, "Defendant was arrested during a seizure of his vehicle by the New York State Department of Taxation Child Support Enforcement when he physically interfered with the towing of the vehicle."
Further, "Defendant threw the tow truck's chains from in front of the vehicle, got into the driver's seat, started it, put into reverse and attempted to leave. Defendant refused orders to get out of the vehicle and physically resisted when arrested."
He was due in City Court on August 8.
There might be hope after all.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
VOTD (Video of the Day) Guns N' Roses Better
Ok, so it's an unofficial video, but at least you get to hear a new GNR song from start to finish. I personally have mixed feelings on the song--I just don't think the chorus works at all, but I like the verse and solos and can appreciate what William Bailey, er, Axl Rose was trying to do. I think it's one of those tunes that given time, it'll grow on you, assuming one doesn't like it much to start with.
Ok, so it's an unofficial video, but at least you get to hear a new GNR song from start to finish. I personally have mixed feelings on the song--I just don't think the chorus works at all, but I like the verse and solos and can appreciate what William Bailey, er, Axl Rose was trying to do. I think it's one of those tunes that given time, it'll grow on you, assuming one doesn't like it much to start with.
Doom And Gloom Report for August 8, 2006
We here at the Doom And Gloom Report also, when appropriate, shoot down myths, rumours, and other falsehoods of reported doom and gloom.
Based on the number of emails we have received questioning the lack of response we feel it is now time to respond.
A new tv series from CBS will make its debut in the fall. It is called Jericho. The premise of the show is as follows:
Based on the number of emails we have received questioning the lack of response we feel it is now time to respond.
A new tv series from CBS will make its debut in the fall. It is called Jericho. The premise of the show is as follows:
Jericho (Wednesdays at 8 PM): When a nuclear mushroom cloud appears suddenly over Jericho, Kansas, the townspeople there have to deal with the chaos and lawlessness that ensues when they think they're the only Americans still alive. How do they deal with essential services being elminated and everyone's out for themselves? Secrets are revealed and people find something within themselves that they never knew existed. What I want to know is: why Kansas? Didn't ABC blow up Kansas on The Day After 20 years ago? What did this state do to deserve getting nuked twice by TV writers? Anyway, Skeet Ulrich and Gerald McRaney star.
Based on the concerned and sometime frantic nature of the emails we must state that this production IS NOT A DRAMATIZATION OF ACTUAL EVENTS!!! This is a drama based on fantasy or something that COULD happen.....kind of like Star Trek.
Rest assured there has been no mushroom clouds sighted within the airspace of the contnental United States since the 1950's. In fact there has been no significant release of radiation in some time. We could not confirm the case of suspected release of uranium 235 gas in Sandusky, Ohio in the mid 1970's that supposedly caused three causalties to include one death. This case still remains active in our files.
So, if you watch this program while taking a break from your stockpiling....enjoy.
Based on the concerned and sometime frantic nature of the emails we must state that this production IS NOT A DRAMATIZATION OF ACTUAL EVENTS!!! This is a drama based on fantasy or something that COULD happen.....kind of like Star Trek.
Rest assured there has been no mushroom clouds sighted within the airspace of the contnental United States since the 1950's. In fact there has been no significant release of radiation in some time. We could not confirm the case of suspected release of uranium 235 gas in Sandusky, Ohio in the mid 1970's that supposedly caused three causalties to include one death. This case still remains active in our files.
So, if you watch this program while taking a break from your stockpiling....enjoy.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Playboy's Hugh Hefner denies stroke claim
This is a man who has probably never had to stroke his entire life, though I do wonder what the hell started the whole "bunny" fetish thing? Perhaps kissing the rabbit between the ears one too many times lead to "Thumper". Nonetheless, Hugh and Stroke don't belong in the same sentence unless it's one of his bunnies who has a handle on things.
From The Makers of
New from the makers of The Hoveround electric chair comes The Crawlaround. Now you too can move from point A to point B in your very own house without ever getting out of the prone position. That's right, we said Prone Position. Ever wake up from a heavy night of drinking barely able to hold down the purge of your own vomit? The crawlaround is right for you. Are you a little disabled and can't stand the way your legs go numb from sitting all day in one of those old chairs??? Well the Crawlaround was made with you in mind.
So give your back and legs a break, don't worry about the following morning after a night of revelry. Try the new Crawlaround.
So give your back and legs a break, don't worry about the following morning after a night of revelry. Try the new Crawlaround.
Doom And Gloom Report for Aug 07, 2006
Here at The Doom And Gloom Report we pride ourselves of leading rather than following "The Sky Is Falling" shoutcasts.
We have been saying for months the precarious perch oil and gas has been at and today was just announced that here in the US we have just lost 8% of our domestic oil production.....which equals about 1/2 of 1% of total world output. This may sound like a minor amount but with very tight supply any outage will be felt at the pumps.
We may have a rough idea in the comming days how long the Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska will be shut. The longer the shutdown the higher the price of oil and therefore gasoline will go. Additional new disruption will cause further dramatic increases.
Gasoline is almost $1 higher than this same time last year or over 30% increase.
How high will it go before you change your habits????
Aug 7th closing prices at 5pm
oil - $77.00 barrel
gas - $2.259 gal
Cats and Dogs
Some people will think that I have a great dislike for animals, cats and dogs in particular. That is not the case. I have a great disdain for the cat and dog owner....some of them anyways. That and for the most part I am allergic. The problem is that the pet is bought for whatever reason then the pet is let loose for the most of the day. I guess their thinking is that everything is hunky dory if fluffy or whatever comes home once a day to eat.
Oh how wrong.
I have a dog...rather old one who stops by on occasion. I happen to catch him at the same time of the day looking for a place to have a movement. Of course there is no owner in sight. Mind you if I wanted to fertilize my lawn I would buy some. If I see it about to pinch one I chase it away and it moves over the property line and relieves itself there.
Remember the old saying "not in my backyard"??? well, not that either. I did witness once where a couple were walking their dog and after it was done one of them pulled out a plastic bag and recovered the load. Seriously, I have heard of this happening but was the first time I have actually seen it in person. It's kind of like giving know it happens but until you actually see it live and in person it is only then can you really appreciate the event in all its amazement.
Now cats are ok....just that I am allergic to them, sometimes deathly. Just seeing a cat will sometimes fill my lungs. There is nothing like drowning in your own fluids lol. Its like krypton to superman. UGH One or both of the rental properties behind me has always been a magnate for pet families, sometimes one, sometimes both cats and dogs. If you don't have a dog barking all hours of the night it is the cats...sometimes five or more!!!
Now this brings me to the solution..
Somewhere in the Port of Long Beach in California is a container filled with 30 or so indentured servants from Shaanxi Province in China waiting for their opportunity to exploit the american dream and open up yet another Chinese Buffet. I know some of you are scratching your head and pondering the thought that you've never heard of the chinese being big pet owners. Well, they aren't. Have you ever noticed that in an area where a chinese buffet is located there is not stray pet problem?? Take a look around next time. Now I know there are even more of you thinking that I am sick for even considering such a thought. Now I would never suggest that the chinese or any south asian people for that matter would kill a domesticated animal and eat it let alone serve it to the unknowing paying public. It could very well be that these animals in question know of these old wives tales and flee the area for their lives. Stranger things have been known to happen.
Sometimes a city or town will take matters into its own hand and regulate pets, even when they are on a leash. It is then you will hear the twits and morons complain that the powers that be in govt are ruining life for its own citizens. They limit animals in parks or recreation areas. It is most likley those animal owners who don't pick up after their pets. I certainly wouldn't want to visit a beautiful park or area that is littered with excrement.....would you?
Until then I am waiting patiently for the new chinese buffet to open here in town.
Oh how wrong.
I have a dog...rather old one who stops by on occasion. I happen to catch him at the same time of the day looking for a place to have a movement. Of course there is no owner in sight. Mind you if I wanted to fertilize my lawn I would buy some. If I see it about to pinch one I chase it away and it moves over the property line and relieves itself there.
Remember the old saying "not in my backyard"??? well, not that either. I did witness once where a couple were walking their dog and after it was done one of them pulled out a plastic bag and recovered the load. Seriously, I have heard of this happening but was the first time I have actually seen it in person. It's kind of like giving know it happens but until you actually see it live and in person it is only then can you really appreciate the event in all its amazement.
Now cats are ok....just that I am allergic to them, sometimes deathly. Just seeing a cat will sometimes fill my lungs. There is nothing like drowning in your own fluids lol. Its like krypton to superman. UGH One or both of the rental properties behind me has always been a magnate for pet families, sometimes one, sometimes both cats and dogs. If you don't have a dog barking all hours of the night it is the cats...sometimes five or more!!!
Now this brings me to the solution..
Somewhere in the Port of Long Beach in California is a container filled with 30 or so indentured servants from Shaanxi Province in China waiting for their opportunity to exploit the american dream and open up yet another Chinese Buffet. I know some of you are scratching your head and pondering the thought that you've never heard of the chinese being big pet owners. Well, they aren't. Have you ever noticed that in an area where a chinese buffet is located there is not stray pet problem?? Take a look around next time. Now I know there are even more of you thinking that I am sick for even considering such a thought. Now I would never suggest that the chinese or any south asian people for that matter would kill a domesticated animal and eat it let alone serve it to the unknowing paying public. It could very well be that these animals in question know of these old wives tales and flee the area for their lives. Stranger things have been known to happen.
Sometimes a city or town will take matters into its own hand and regulate pets, even when they are on a leash. It is then you will hear the twits and morons complain that the powers that be in govt are ruining life for its own citizens. They limit animals in parks or recreation areas. It is most likley those animal owners who don't pick up after their pets. I certainly wouldn't want to visit a beautiful park or area that is littered with excrement.....would you?
Until then I am waiting patiently for the new chinese buffet to open here in town.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Doom And Gloom Report
This summer has been nice. Nice weather, a little traveling, spending alot of time in the pool...but I have to admit that this summer has left me wanting a little more.
Rewind back six months. Day in and day out you heard the repetitious pounding home of chicken little and the sky is falling. I am talking about two things that to date have not come to pass, and is clear that there's good possibility that the alarms that were sounded were all for not.
H5N1 Avian influenza or bird flu
Hurricane season worse than last year's.
Bird Flu -
Certainly many people in China and southeast asia have died from this disease. This is due to a couple of reasons in part. 1) It really isn't a good idea to live with tomorrow's meal and 2) Wash your hands people!!! Christ, ever see those signs in the bathroom in a restaurant? Employees are to wash their hands before handling food?? Perhaps this basic art of sanitation is lost on some people. In any case, I would think my butcher, or my mother in days long since past for that matter, would get a little cleaned up after getting soiled by blood and other fluids from preparing the day's meal. "Honey, try to keep the chicken blood in the far corner of the hut...pretty please" Of course this is lost since I am not fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
But what ensued in the months that followed will be argued about for years whether it was prudent or a waste. As I open my "safe room" in my basement and inventory all that is there for bird flu purposes I am hoping I will find other uses or I will be a damn bit miffed.
Does anyone know what 20 weeks of military MRE's for a family of three costs on eBay? Exactly, I wouldn't think you would. We even installed a swimming pool this summer and the main reason for it is hidden in plain sight...drinking water!!!! That's right, 16,000+ gallons of drinking water. In our safe room we have enough iodine tablets for 20,000 gallons. Aside from that we have 10 cases of Aquifina.
I must admit that I got rather strange looks from the neighbors the day we got a curbside delevery of on pallet load of face masks from 3M. I know, it does like overkill and will admit that it is but I figure the masks may become the new currency. Imagine trading some desparate soul a couple boxes of masks for say.....a bmw???
And then there or was, the great exodus to the great beyond that so far has not materialized. How are we to thin the herd?? I know, Hezbollah and Isrealis are working on it but it just isn't same. Natural selection means that the fitest survive and since everyone, all but the well prepared are suseptable, there can be no finger pointing, no attack/counter attack, no wars....we would hope.
Hurricanes -
This one has got me down too.. One thing I can't understand is people building their homes or choosing to live and work on/near a flood plain....or any area suseptable to flooding. This is the same for mudslides and earthquakes as well but we will stay focused.
Now we can dismiss some of this as pure ignorance. Take New Orleans for example. It was settled in the 1600's. My question though is at what point do we now say IDIOT and leave them on their floatie during high tide and walk away? For example, we know New Orleans is under sea level and surrounded on three sides by water. We also know that from global warming the sea levels will rise. At what point do we say enough is enough and that it is senseless to rebuild?
Ok, I pick on New Orleans as it is the most obvious and current example but the same can be said for Venice. Why have 1/2 the former poplulation of NO not returned?? I cannot believe that ALL of them lived in the ninth ward? No, I would prefer to believe that the majority of those who have not returned have said "screw it". It has been reported that it would only take one catagory 3 hurricane to swipe NYC to devastate our economy but we keep building in vulnerable areas.
We were told at the beginning of the hurricane season that this year there would be more named storms and more catagory 3 and above....more than last year and that the chances of one of those hitting the US was good. Here we are two months into the season and barely a tropical storm. What's up with that? It's like waking up Christmas morning not only to find no presents under your tree but the tree gone. Damn Grinch!!! How are we as humans suppose to learn any lesson unless we get slapped in the face, kicked in the gut and take some loss of property or worse???
Rewind back six months. Day in and day out you heard the repetitious pounding home of chicken little and the sky is falling. I am talking about two things that to date have not come to pass, and is clear that there's good possibility that the alarms that were sounded were all for not.
H5N1 Avian influenza or bird flu
Hurricane season worse than last year's.
Bird Flu -
Certainly many people in China and southeast asia have died from this disease. This is due to a couple of reasons in part. 1) It really isn't a good idea to live with tomorrow's meal and 2) Wash your hands people!!! Christ, ever see those signs in the bathroom in a restaurant? Employees are to wash their hands before handling food?? Perhaps this basic art of sanitation is lost on some people. In any case, I would think my butcher, or my mother in days long since past for that matter, would get a little cleaned up after getting soiled by blood and other fluids from preparing the day's meal. "Honey, try to keep the chicken blood in the far corner of the hut...pretty please" Of course this is lost since I am not fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
But what ensued in the months that followed will be argued about for years whether it was prudent or a waste. As I open my "safe room" in my basement and inventory all that is there for bird flu purposes I am hoping I will find other uses or I will be a damn bit miffed.
Does anyone know what 20 weeks of military MRE's for a family of three costs on eBay? Exactly, I wouldn't think you would. We even installed a swimming pool this summer and the main reason for it is hidden in plain sight...drinking water!!!! That's right, 16,000+ gallons of drinking water. In our safe room we have enough iodine tablets for 20,000 gallons. Aside from that we have 10 cases of Aquifina.
I must admit that I got rather strange looks from the neighbors the day we got a curbside delevery of on pallet load of face masks from 3M. I know, it does like overkill and will admit that it is but I figure the masks may become the new currency. Imagine trading some desparate soul a couple boxes of masks for say.....a bmw???
And then there or was, the great exodus to the great beyond that so far has not materialized. How are we to thin the herd?? I know, Hezbollah and Isrealis are working on it but it just isn't same. Natural selection means that the fitest survive and since everyone, all but the well prepared are suseptable, there can be no finger pointing, no attack/counter attack, no wars....we would hope.
Hurricanes -
This one has got me down too.. One thing I can't understand is people building their homes or choosing to live and work on/near a flood plain....or any area suseptable to flooding. This is the same for mudslides and earthquakes as well but we will stay focused.
Now we can dismiss some of this as pure ignorance. Take New Orleans for example. It was settled in the 1600's. My question though is at what point do we now say IDIOT and leave them on their floatie during high tide and walk away? For example, we know New Orleans is under sea level and surrounded on three sides by water. We also know that from global warming the sea levels will rise. At what point do we say enough is enough and that it is senseless to rebuild?
Ok, I pick on New Orleans as it is the most obvious and current example but the same can be said for Venice. Why have 1/2 the former poplulation of NO not returned?? I cannot believe that ALL of them lived in the ninth ward? No, I would prefer to believe that the majority of those who have not returned have said "screw it". It has been reported that it would only take one catagory 3 hurricane to swipe NYC to devastate our economy but we keep building in vulnerable areas.
We were told at the beginning of the hurricane season that this year there would be more named storms and more catagory 3 and above....more than last year and that the chances of one of those hitting the US was good. Here we are two months into the season and barely a tropical storm. What's up with that? It's like waking up Christmas morning not only to find no presents under your tree but the tree gone. Damn Grinch!!! How are we as humans suppose to learn any lesson unless we get slapped in the face, kicked in the gut and take some loss of property or worse???
lee ritenour - is it you. The GAYEST video of all-time.
Without a doubt, the gayest video of all time. Can you believe it actually played on MTV once? How about twice? The guy on the guitar is smiling because that's NOT a mustache on the singer's face. Nope. The guitarist gave him a Dirty Sanchez right after getting a Cleveland Steamer from him.
Without a doubt, the gayest video of all time. Can you believe it actually played on MTV once? How about twice? The guy on the guitar is smiling because that's NOT a mustache on the singer's face. Nope. The guitarist gave him a Dirty Sanchez right after getting a Cleveland Steamer from him.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The Descent
I have to admit, this was a pretty good thriller. I won't give away any spoilers (unfortunately the trailer here gives away one of the big jump-out-of-your-seat moments), but this is a good excersize in creating tension, mood, atmosphere, with an impending sense of doom.
While it's not quite the grand-slam I was hoping for, it proves to be much more intelligent and gripping than some of the other, exploitive, flicks that have come out in recent years (Wrong Turn and this years sorely missing the point Hostel come to mind).
Here's hoping that Neil Marshall continues to make intelligent, independent thrillers (we all know what happens when studios get involved). Those who haven't already scene Marshall's debut, Dog Soldiers, are in for a tail-wagging treat.
I have to admit, this was a pretty good thriller. I won't give away any spoilers (unfortunately the trailer here gives away one of the big jump-out-of-your-seat moments), but this is a good excersize in creating tension, mood, atmosphere, with an impending sense of doom.
While it's not quite the grand-slam I was hoping for, it proves to be much more intelligent and gripping than some of the other, exploitive, flicks that have come out in recent years (Wrong Turn and this years sorely missing the point Hostel come to mind).
Here's hoping that Neil Marshall continues to make intelligent, independent thrillers (we all know what happens when studios get involved). Those who haven't already scene Marshall's debut, Dog Soldiers, are in for a tail-wagging treat.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Rockstar: Phil's Departure (uncut)
Phil's Departure. Hmmm... You know, I wondered why "we doubt your commitment" sounded so lame. The funny thing is, these guys (RockStar) are using the these guys and the show to promote themselves, so it's fitting that somebody with no real chance in hell of landing the gig would shamelessly say he's using the show for exposure. The best part has to be the fact that he basically dissed the music (or at least the one track) that SuperNova already layed down.
As for this last week, my dark horse Josh pulled through with a good version of that Santeria song I never really cared for. Lukas still sounds like he's gargaling some Bukkake except this week, he had to turn several times in an effort to hide his swallowing it. Nonetheless, this guy has no real talent. And what the hell is up with Zayra? The only reason she's still on the show is to make the others look that much better. And credit should go out to Ryan I-look-like-somebody-just-gave-me-a-Cleveland-Steamer Star for making another questionable song his own (if you're going to play REM's shit, why not make the kiddies sing Shiney Happy People?).
Here's hoping to next week's choices being void of Donny and Marie Osmond.
Phil's Departure. Hmmm... You know, I wondered why "we doubt your commitment" sounded so lame. The funny thing is, these guys (RockStar) are using the these guys and the show to promote themselves, so it's fitting that somebody with no real chance in hell of landing the gig would shamelessly say he's using the show for exposure. The best part has to be the fact that he basically dissed the music (or at least the one track) that SuperNova already layed down.
As for this last week, my dark horse Josh pulled through with a good version of that Santeria song I never really cared for. Lukas still sounds like he's gargaling some Bukkake except this week, he had to turn several times in an effort to hide his swallowing it. Nonetheless, this guy has no real talent. And what the hell is up with Zayra? The only reason she's still on the show is to make the others look that much better. And credit should go out to Ryan I-look-like-somebody-just-gave-me-a-Cleveland-Steamer Star for making another questionable song his own (if you're going to play REM's shit, why not make the kiddies sing Shiney Happy People?).
Here's hoping to next week's choices being void of Donny and Marie Osmond.
The Great American Stupidity
I won't bother posting the video clip here but will tell you this much. A white husband and wife with an african american baby. He has NO clue that the baby is not his. She has cheated on him twice with an african american male.
I don't know if this is sad or funny. When the results of the paternity test are announced you can hear the "oh no's" from the audience. The guy is devestated that he is not the father.
See it to believe it.
I won't bother posting the video clip here but will tell you this much. A white husband and wife with an african american baby. He has NO clue that the baby is not his. She has cheated on him twice with an african american male.
I don't know if this is sad or funny. When the results of the paternity test are announced you can hear the "oh no's" from the audience. The guy is devestated that he is not the father.
See it to believe it.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
New From The People At Grassy Knoll
More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.
The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they "personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be.
Widespread resentment and alienation toward the national government appear to be fueling a growing acceptance of conspiracy theories about the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" -- the common phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet -- quickly have become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theories that the federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy's assassination and that it has covered up proof of space aliens.
comming soon......
Grassy Knoll line of clothing and accessories for all occasions
The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they "personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be.
Widespread resentment and alienation toward the national government appear to be fueling a growing acceptance of conspiracy theories about the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" -- the common phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet -- quickly have become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theories that the federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy's assassination and that it has covered up proof of space aliens.
comming soon......
Grassy Knoll line of clothing and accessories for all occasions
That's Gotta Hurt
Another funny from the folks at
Seems as though those Japanese can't find anything better to do....screw up a tongue twister you get nailed in the testicles.
Ali G With Andy Rooney
I don't know how many people caught his show on HBO but here he is. This is new on ifilm and you can click on the video to view it. Apparently Andy Rooney thinks he really is going to be interviewed. lol
Rockstar Zayra
I have been following this program and quite often I am left scratching my head. Maybe I don't have the same tastes and these guys in the band....well, you do have to remember that not one member has had a commercially successful recording since their hayday. Whether it was with Janes Addiction, Metallica, Gun's n Roses...nothing of commercial value (applauded by the masses). Tommy Lee did come out with an ok cd last year (Tommy Land) but since it was self produced and distributed there are no official numbers available.
Of course they have no control over who is in the final three for them to send home. That job belongs to us. Clearly though they could have made much better calls. Last night they sent home a singer only because she is young. A younger age doesn't always translate into incompatability with a group but then again this is just my opinion and it wasn't shared by the group.
These guys are the ones who go ga ga over the outfits worn week after week, show after show by the latina Zayra. If you don't believe me watch closely to the cut away of the band when she starts to perform or walk on stage. They had three opportunities to boot her but they hadn't. Last night Zayra didn't even make the bottom three.
Here are my thoughts as to why.
Since the group had three opportunities, in which the future cd buying public voted her into the bottom three, to send her a packing and didn't it gave a few people food for thought.
Just Maybe
Maybe she IS good enough. There had to be a change of heart en mass since her performance was undoubtadely worse then than those who were in the bottom three. My guess is that there is a groundswell of support developing for a latina to go on tour to front the band Supernova. I bet the phone systems od TeleMex and other national carriers to our south were nearing capacity during the voting.
My guess is that we will not see Saida in the bottom three again.
This just may be the best thing since The Folksmen, The Ruttles and even may more popular than SPINAL TAP.
Of course they have no control over who is in the final three for them to send home. That job belongs to us. Clearly though they could have made much better calls. Last night they sent home a singer only because she is young. A younger age doesn't always translate into incompatability with a group but then again this is just my opinion and it wasn't shared by the group.
These guys are the ones who go ga ga over the outfits worn week after week, show after show by the latina Zayra. If you don't believe me watch closely to the cut away of the band when she starts to perform or walk on stage. They had three opportunities to boot her but they hadn't. Last night Zayra didn't even make the bottom three.
Here are my thoughts as to why.
Since the group had three opportunities, in which the future cd buying public voted her into the bottom three, to send her a packing and didn't it gave a few people food for thought.
Just Maybe
Maybe she IS good enough. There had to be a change of heart en mass since her performance was undoubtadely worse then than those who were in the bottom three. My guess is that there is a groundswell of support developing for a latina to go on tour to front the band Supernova. I bet the phone systems od TeleMex and other national carriers to our south were nearing capacity during the voting.
My guess is that we will not see Saida in the bottom three again.
This just may be the best thing since The Folksmen, The Ruttles and even may more popular than SPINAL TAP.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Yesturday was a bit hot. At 3pm I think it was 94 here with the heat index making it 106. Whew!! Kids and I were out in the pool from noon on and about 3:30 I pulled them out for a break. Or was it me that needed the break?? Probably that latter lol. It did make for a nice evening swimming after dinner. Zach normally would have had a soccer game but I didn't see the point to it when it was as bad out as it was yesturday.
The kids were up not so late last night as they were the night before when they all didn't get to bed til 11. Hell it's 8:30am and I only hear Zack up, the girls are still sleeping. We're heading back to Watertown to take the girls back home. It's funny to think back when we first got the pool and Zack would go in and cling to the sides. Now he does cannon balls perfectly and swims underwater better than he can on top. lol
The kids were up not so late last night as they were the night before when they all didn't get to bed til 11. Hell it's 8:30am and I only hear Zack up, the girls are still sleeping. We're heading back to Watertown to take the girls back home. It's funny to think back when we first got the pool and Zack would go in and cling to the sides. Now he does cannon balls perfectly and swims underwater better than he can on top. lol
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Say It Isn't So
Maybe you liked him with that "devil may care" attitude in the Road Warrior movies or was it those Lethal Weapon flicks??? In any case, if you were under a rock when those came out you certainly fell for Mel when he turned his back to the English during Braveheart and raised his kilt. I know, that one got me hooked too.
It was just announced today that ABC is passing on Gibson's Holocaust tv miniseries as there hadn't been a script seen in the two years the project has been in the works. No, they wouldn't say that due to recent events (anti semitic remarks) that they decided to pass...maybe they believe Mell will continue to hold some clout in Hollywood.
So Mel, are you an anti semite??
One thing that past history teached us is when the famed fall down in all their glory they need to do a couple things. They need to admit that they screwed up, apologize unendingly, they need to get help if need be and finally they need to get out of the lime light for a while.
I imagine somewhere in a cave in the Pakistani-Afghan border you brought a smile to Bin Ladin's face...or maybe it was Al Zawahiri's...oh hell, ok...both are jumping up and down praising your tequilla induced tirade against the jews as comming from the heart.
Good Night and Good Luck
It was just announced today that ABC is passing on Gibson's Holocaust tv miniseries as there hadn't been a script seen in the two years the project has been in the works. No, they wouldn't say that due to recent events (anti semitic remarks) that they decided to pass...maybe they believe Mell will continue to hold some clout in Hollywood.
So Mel, are you an anti semite??
One thing that past history teached us is when the famed fall down in all their glory they need to do a couple things. They need to admit that they screwed up, apologize unendingly, they need to get help if need be and finally they need to get out of the lime light for a while.
I imagine somewhere in a cave in the Pakistani-Afghan border you brought a smile to Bin Ladin's face...or maybe it was Al Zawahiri's...oh hell, ok...both are jumping up and down praising your tequilla induced tirade against the jews as comming from the heart.
Good Night and Good Luck
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