Friday, January 19, 2007

The World At Large

So I woke up this morning to yet another day of no snow and revelations that the Chinese launched a missle to destroy a satellite. what's next?

My first thoughts are "oh shit" but that was my knee jerk reaction. On further study I see reports that China has doubled its military spending since the 1990's and is second only to the US in terms of its % GDP. It's estimated that the Chinese will be spending $125 Billion per year by 2025.

What is the difference between the perceived and the actual in terms of military capabilty? What I mean is when your intelligence or gut feeling for that matter tells you that your neighbor, adversary or whomever has a certain capability why does the world go to hell in a handbasket when the truth is revealed??

We knew and you knew we knew but why did you have to let everyone know??

Somehow fear is more rampant when an Israeli official states publicly that they have a nuclear capability. It's like....damn, that was suppose to be OUR secret. Or like the recent Chinese missle taking out their own satellite. We knew they they were researching, testing and developing such capabilities. What is the difference between yesturday when we knew, or thought we knew (wink wink) and today when they show off their ability to all?

The major difference I can see is the media attention to it.

Still no there is no solution in Darfur.

And on a brighter note and even more suprising is what such niceties Pyongyang (that would be N. Korea for those recent high school graduates) had to say about us.

From Reuters

In a statement, Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry said: "The talks took place from January 16 to 18 in a positive and sincere atmosphere and a certain agreement was reached there."

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Seriously though, in a world that seems to be unrepairable at times it is a positive sign.

Baby Steps

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