Monday, January 15, 2007

Life's Little Struggles and Other Things

Doesn't seem to be much going on here lately although in reflection I can't say that is entirely true.

It was a rather busy holiday season this year with company and lots of traveling etc. I was planning on going back up to Gouverneur this past weekend but the couple who were interested in the house (they loved the neighborhood) their plans got cut short as one was in the military at Ft Drum and their plans changed when Bush announced the buildup last week. Oh well, I wanted to catch the playoffs anyway. I will be up there in a couple weeks for a big push to get as much done as I can cause I have an appt with the realtor to take over the house and put it on the market by the first of the month.

Shelly is doing very well at her new job. She now works for ConAgra at the original Chef Boy R Dee plant in Milton, PA. If you look them up you will find that they make quite alot that you find in your grocery store. The plant not only makes Chef Boy R Dee but Crunch N Munch and La Choy products and probably a few others that I have forgotten about. The plant employs close to 900 people. She has already been given additional duties....she coordinates the hiring process and screens the applicants and handles the discipline for the plant. They already have had her traveling lol. She has been to a plant in Philly and at the end of the month she is off to the company headquarters in Omaha for a couple days. Omaha???? in Jan??? Can you say BRRRRRRR. :) At least it isn't during the middle of tornado season.

Zack is doing well in school. It is very rare that he doesn't bring some sort of home work home with him. He has spelling tests weekly with new words handed out on Friday. We do alot of practicing.

Today of course there was no school cause of MLK day so we went to Reptile Land which is just up the road from us. We got to see a presentation and then saw a baby alligator and a boa....both of which we got to pet lol. Zack said he would if I did it first. now with the struggle lol I have started a diet. Ok, there... I said it and put it out there for everyone to gawk at lol. Ideally I would like to lose about 20 and we'll see where it goes. I started after we got back from our traveling and am doing weight watchers online. Yeah....the "points". So far as one can imagine the hard part is the discipline and learning new habits as the old ones are hard to get rid of. I can't say that this is a new concept for me as anyone who has known be for 10, 20 years or more can tell you that I have a long history abusing alcohol. Today and for a number of years you may find a six pack in the fridge or a case somewhere but they seemingly last forever.

As anal as I am (yes, I admit that) it's about knowledge and control.

Kind of like I know who is reading this blog and where they are.

and by the way...who is this person who uses verizon (must be dsl) and uses "fun web products"???

So I started Jan 2nd at 243.0 and as of Jan 9th I had lost 2.5 lbs.

If anyone is interested I can make regular updates to keep you informed of my progress, or lack of for that matter.

We brought in the bike yesturday and today it has fresh batteries to tomorrow there is no excuse not to start using it.

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