Thursday, September 14, 2006

RockStar Finale

Well, sometimes you just gotta be careful of what you wish for. The SuperNova boys, apparently soon to be called something else, wanted a frontman, and that's exactly what they got. What they didn't get, however, was a lead singer. Big difference.

In what was perhaps TV's biggest surprise since Geraldo opened Al Capone's empty vault, the show went as "scripted". Magni, then Tobey, Dilana, and finally Bukkake Throated Lukas (who just gives the band that air of "dangerousness" they need, considering how ho-hum their songs are). The criticism of Magni was, again, unfounded. "We're looking for a frontman and you look like you blend in with the band". Hmmm... Is this not the same group that kicked Ryan off the show for standing out just a bit too much? Talk about sqauwking out the both sides of your mouth.

What really got me was the final two were the least talented singers and songwriters. Now, one could say there was a conspiracy to take Lukas, because the lad looks like he's in sad shape to get laid. With him "fronting" the group, the other bandmates will still have their pick of groupies, whereas if Tobey were leading the way, I'm sure the group would be lining up outside his trailer whining "C'mon mate, I saw her first!".

I'm really glad the show is over--seems like it was forever ago that the first guy got kicked off. At that point, it looked like there were no real candidates for a singer, and the band looked rather bored, if not downright horrified, with it all. It just seemed inevitable from the start that Lukas would be the singer--the band just seemed too eager to sing their praises for him. He's got the stage presence of Scott Weiland, however, that shit just doesn't get captured on recordings. Unfortunately, he's got about 1/8th the voice of Scott Weiland.

Interestingly enough, Brook Burke said "see you next summer", so it looks like we may have a good nine months to ponder what will come next. Truth be told, this format--finding a new lead singer for a semi-all-star-band--was nowhere near as finding a new lead singer for an existing group. A good candidate, if Burnett would stick to his local Aussie roots, would be Midnight Oil, who's lead singer left to pursue politics. At 7 feet tall, those would literally be some big shoes to fill, but they do have a catalog of hits... But I just don't see them holding up to American audiences who most likely know two or three songs, tops.

So, who knows, perhaps Eddie and Alex will be front and center court looking for a new lead singer (and bassist, as they've apparently cut ties with Michael Anthony, too).

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