Monday, September 18, 2006

France says more Iran talks needed

VIENNA (Reuters) - French
President Jacques Chirac said on Monday talks with
Iran on its nuclear aspirations should be pursued since U.N. sanctions had never worked well, a fresh hint of EU misgivings over U.S. calls for punishing Tehran.

Remember - It's not a world war unless France surrenders.

True, on a world stage you cannot shoot and ask questions later....or at least it isn't a good idea too but on the other extreme the time for talking has to be FINITE!! Maybe they need a timetable for withdrawl of talking???

As UN Security Council deadline after deadline comes and goes there's France with their "we need more talking" dribble. When does the talking stop??? I would hope the time to stop talking would not be after a mushroom cloud rises above Tel Aviv. I liken France to Neville Chamberlin stepping off a plane and onto the tarmack and proclaiming "peace in our time".

When does the appeasment STOP!!

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