Ahhh, another 4th is upon us and what better way to honor the occasion than with a festive roman candle fight. My hat is off to these members of our military who see a good training opportunity in any environment.
anyway, We had a busy weekend. Saturday Zack went with Shelly early so he could walk in the Lewisburg parade. I found a spot at 9:30 and waited for the parade to start at 10. Just in the one area I was at there must have easily been a couple 1000 people and I know the parade stretched for a couple miles. I left after a marching band dressed as indians went passed me at 11:45. I don't know how much was left but it was enough. ConAgra had a trailer and handed out 15,000 packages of Crunch N Munch. Zack was in the back of the trailer filling the baskets that the group was handing out the product from.
Later that day it was down to Lancaster and a couple of Outlet Malls and dinner then back home. We didn't get to take an Amish buggy ride since we started late.
When we got home about 10pm the neighbors....well all the neighbors were next door winding down a cook out so they asked us over. Most of the neighborhood is very, especially the ones with kids. So we went over and hung out for a while. It was really the first time Shelly got to talk to any of them since she's gone most of the day.
We all got to bed around midnight....way way beyond our collective bedtimes.
So much so that we all took a nap yesterday afternoon. I got up to find this...

What's he doing in MY chair???
Zack has to march in our 4th of July parade here in Watsontown with the scouts. I will be busy tending to a couple pieces of beef I am marinating for the block party. We live on a corner of two dead end streets. The families with children are closing off the street and throwing a party. Everyone is bringing a dish...I am smoking 8.5 lbs of tip roast, one-half marinated, one not. I am hearing there will be about 80 people here and we'll be able to see the fireworks from our backyard.
Sounds like a good time.
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