Monday, June 04, 2007

June 4th 2007

Zachary's last day of school was Friday and do you think he would sleep in....naaaaa lol.

Friday evening we went out for dinner at Ichiban in Williamsport. If you ever have the chance to go to a Japanese steak house like that, do go as it is well worth it. This was the second time we had been to a place like this although I can't recall the name. Zack loves when the chef makes the flames shoot up into the air. It's interesting if only for the show they put on in the preparation of the food.

After that we went to see Shrek The Third which was good but a little on the short side at barley and hour and a half but we all liked it.

Amanda is here and I think we will be taking her back this comming weekend??? It's up to her. It's been nice having her here. I know Zack misses his big sister....heck, we all do for that matter. Zachary is just getting old enough where they are starting to harass each other like brothers and sisters should. She's really been a sport though as she has been to a couple of his baseball games.

Speaking of baseball games. Zack has one more to go, on Wednesday...then there is a pizza party after. Damn coaches wouldn't let me contribute to the cause. I had taken an average of 120 photos at each game and took the best ones and put them all on a cd for each of the kids. I ended up with 120 photos on the disc give or take.

We missed summer soccer registration but Zachary is all signed up for the fall session. It wll keep me busy with the camera, that and scouts. The pool opened up Memorial Day weekend so Zack and I are going down to buy our pool pass for the summer. Our municipal pool has a diving board and a slide!!! It's funny how one municipality removes such things due to liability issues while others don't.

We have picked up a couple work books so Zack can keep up on his math and money and I have found a nice site for 2nd grade spelling words so we will be doing those too.

Ottawa looked like they finally showed up for a game Saturday night. They are down now by one game. They play tonight and it looks like Don Cherry will be on tonight. That is one thing we have missed moving down here... Hockey Night In Canada and Don Cherry. Too bad there wasn't a way to get it down here.

Shelly is busy at work. In a plant with over 900 employees she will always be busy but her HR manager moved into another roll so it is basically just her and a temp. There is a position open for a SR. Generalist so hopefully they will slide her into that position and hire the temp. Since I can't climb ladder might just as well see Shelly move up one.

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