Monday, November 20, 2006

A Plea From One Of Watertown's Finest

City Police Investigate
East Side Business
Burglaries, Vandalism
"A little crime prevention goes a long way and if they want to take a good hard look at their business to see what they can add to the business to prevent further crimes, we'd greatly appreciate that," said Lieutenant Frank Derrigo of the Watertown Police Department.

City businesses that have been burglarized:
Gray's Flower Shop, Nov. 19 and 20
Jean's Beans, 259 Eastern Blvd., Nov. 16
Checker's Restaurant, 1857 State St., Nov. 8
Carvel's, 1850 State St., Nov. 8
Brookside Diner, 1873 State St., Nov. 8

What a crock of sh@t!!!

Why don't you just come out and say....Mr. business owner, if you had stationed a sentry out in front of your business, this would not of happend.

I say again....what a crock.

I'm sure that the Watertown Police Dept would greatly love it if the citizens made their respective jobs all that easier.

NOTE TO WOULD BE CRIMINIALS - - - - please commit your burgleries during daylight hours, pretty please.

Let's see, 12 days and 6 burgleries....all within a several block radius. Um, did they notice a pattern after the first THREE burgleries or what?? Maybe they need a few more in that area of town before Edison's Wisdom Indicator flickers on and they step up patrols in the area after dark?

Here's a good question.... Just how many of these officers actually live in the community in which they serve? My bet is many live outside the city of Watertow.....coincidently where the crime rate and the taxes are lower.

Go Get 'em Frank

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