Saturday, October 07, 2006

Amish Bedtime Story

Johann stroked his long beard as he leaned a little forward, closer to the lamp light. The shadows danced on the walls. His little audience consisted of Jonas who was four years old, Rebecca 5, Samuel 4 and Katie 4. They were huddled together and listening intently.

What was about to begin is a right of passage for these youngest of the Amish. It is an age where chores and responsibilities begin in earnest. Certainly care free youth still has a place in these children and will so for years even after tonight but tonight is the right of passage. It is something the children have heard rumors of but have never, ever been told about.

The night was perfect for this particular story telling as it was raining, the wind howling sometimes fiercely and an occasional thunder and lightning. It would surely keep the children's attention.

So Jonas started his story. He spoke of how important it was to obey one's elders and keep up with the chores of the day. He spoke of a child or perhaps there were several, it had been so long he was uncertain, who regulary had to be scolded and prodded to be obedient. These children he spoke of had somehow lost their way but they could be saved he said.

Jonas paused to gauge the effect so far. The children were still huddles together, all was going well.

Jonas continued. One night, on a night such as this he said a man came to take those children away....away from their families, away from their community, away from everything they know to be dear, never to bee seen of again. This man craved badly behaven children and if these four didn't straighten up that this man would be comming for them as well!!

Who is this man?
When does he come?
What does he look like?

The children asked in unison.

He comes at night Jonas said so no one can see him. No one has ever seen his face expect the children he has taken and those children are gone....FOREVER!!

The children were starting to shake, the time was right as a clash of thunder swept over their homestead.

No one has ever seen this man and spoke of him he said. We only know that on nights like this when it is windy and raining and sounds of thunder fill the air he can come about and snatch those bad children from us. If on nights like this one you lay in your bed and you listen very closely you might be able to hear him when he comes for some unsuspecting child.

As you lay in your bed listen carefully between the raindrops hitting the roof and the thunder.....listen very closely for him.... you will know he is comming when you hear the clippity clop, clippty clop of his buggy. You'll know it is him as no one else would normally be out in this weather. If you hear this tell tale sign of his approach getting louder and louder be afraid, be terrified as he might just be comming for you, you, you or you. He's looking for all the bad apples and it might be YOU!! he picks this time. If you hear the clippity clop, clippity clop getting louder then suddenly stop outside your door. Hide quickly....he's here for YOU!!!

HE IS............


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