It's been a few hectic days. The plumbing for the laundry room has been moved over the outside wall and the elcectric has been run over for the washer. Framing was up for the linen closet in the laundy room yesterday and I just have one little strip of sheetrock left to put up and then it is to mudding and taping etc, etc. The floor is ready for the cermaic tile backer board and....ok., I will get to it but I need to fill a dumpster that was dropped off yesterday.
Shelly has been busy packing and painting the living room while I have been busy doing my thing. It looks like we will move the majority of stuff this weekend and Zack and I will come up for another week while I get more done here and she gets settled in with her new job and can get Zack registered in his new school.
We ordered a nice berber carpet for the stairs and the upstairs hallway. The installer was here today so the carpet should be down in 2-9 weeks. It doesn't even look like the jaguar will be done before this weekend as they are waiting for a bumper cover still. Only $2800 deer damage so not too bad and it is all superficial damage.
So in time the living room will have a fresh coat of paint... oh yeah...we picked up Pergo floor for the dining room. I think it will look very nice. Actually got it on impulse last weekend at HD so I wouldn't have to go to Lowes. I was set on a different brand and this actually came out less expensive.
So, as I was saying in time everything will be done and then I will have Bill Lacy back over to give me another market comparison. I will be intrerested to find out what he thinks since we put in almost $20k into the house since he was over this past spring. In any case our market for the house will be returning from Afghanistan after the first of the year.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sabres - Hurricanes Oct 20, 2006

It was our first professional hockey game. Zack absolutely LOVED it!! We had second row seats off the glass and wouldn't you know Zack almost got hit in the head by a puck. lol A puck was lobbed over the glass and hit the lady in front of him in the head and the guy sitting next to Zack caught it. Zack thought that was the coolest thing that he got to keep the puck.

Buffalo won 6-5 but it was a good game. Buffalo is undefeated so far at 8-0 so they may be the team to watch this year.

Here is a pic of Zack with the Sabres mascot Sabretooth. Whenever he was around our section Zack would not take his eyes off him lol. He would wave and try to get his attention. He was tickled to death to get his pic with him.

Monday, October 16, 2006
Family Update
Our weekend was a little interesting.
Some people from work had a get together for Shelly which was very nice. However, we ran into a little trouble on the way home from dinner that night. It seems that Saturday night after having made his martyr video a suicide deer picked my jaguar to attack. His aim must have been a little off as we clipped his legs with the front right of the car. He really could have done more damage than he did so today I will take the car to get an estimate.
I also slipped on some ice and fell backwards while my leg was caught under me. Yup....9 surgeries and I bent this knee further back than it had been in about 10 years...the last inch or so......c r u n c h. Not the best of time to have that happen with getting ready to move and all. It took me a few moments to pull myself up off the ground. I hope I didn't wake the neighbors up when I yelled lol. It was a little rough and alot painful but I was able to walk. It was kind of like walking right after my partial knee replacement.
I was kind of wondering what I had torn and whether cartilage or a ligament. I still could have something torn but right after I wrenched it Sat night I wrapped it up and elevated it under ice. It was so bad that night that you couldn't even touch it on the right side, UGH. Sunday morning it looked just slightly swollen...maybe. The knee is so derranged it doesn't look normal to begin with anyway. It was better and so with an occasional limp I ran off to Lowes in the burg to get more material for the laundry room.
Packing is comming along ok for the move in a couple of weeks. The dining room is just about done with a couple pieces of moulding to put up plus the new floor. We took out the old cast iron shower pan from the old bathroom (new laundry room) Saturday...well got it up and got it out to the hallway. When I came back from Lowes yesturday it was out on the front porch thanks to Shelly and my father-in-law.
I have a bit more wall tile to take down from the old shower and then I am taking a 4 x 6 section of floor up and puttind down new subfloor. Then it is framing for the new water lines for the washer and electrical for the dryer along the outside wall then I can work on the common wall between the bathroom/laundryroom....ceramic tile backerboard on the floor and tile then I will be done aside from painting. We still have to pick out paint for the livingroom. I think we will get to that this weekend. Friday is the hockey game in Buffalo. $100 per ticket should be worth it since we are in 2nd row. Maybe I will have some pics to share.
Some people from work had a get together for Shelly which was very nice. However, we ran into a little trouble on the way home from dinner that night. It seems that Saturday night after having made his martyr video a suicide deer picked my jaguar to attack. His aim must have been a little off as we clipped his legs with the front right of the car. He really could have done more damage than he did so today I will take the car to get an estimate.
I also slipped on some ice and fell backwards while my leg was caught under me. Yup....9 surgeries and I bent this knee further back than it had been in about 10 years...the last inch or so......c r u n c h. Not the best of time to have that happen with getting ready to move and all. It took me a few moments to pull myself up off the ground. I hope I didn't wake the neighbors up when I yelled lol. It was a little rough and alot painful but I was able to walk. It was kind of like walking right after my partial knee replacement.
I was kind of wondering what I had torn and whether cartilage or a ligament. I still could have something torn but right after I wrenched it Sat night I wrapped it up and elevated it under ice. It was so bad that night that you couldn't even touch it on the right side, UGH. Sunday morning it looked just slightly swollen...maybe. The knee is so derranged it doesn't look normal to begin with anyway. It was better and so with an occasional limp I ran off to Lowes in the burg to get more material for the laundry room.
Packing is comming along ok for the move in a couple of weeks. The dining room is just about done with a couple pieces of moulding to put up plus the new floor. We took out the old cast iron shower pan from the old bathroom (new laundry room) Saturday...well got it up and got it out to the hallway. When I came back from Lowes yesturday it was out on the front porch thanks to Shelly and my father-in-law.
I have a bit more wall tile to take down from the old shower and then I am taking a 4 x 6 section of floor up and puttind down new subfloor. Then it is framing for the new water lines for the washer and electrical for the dryer along the outside wall then I can work on the common wall between the bathroom/laundryroom....ceramic tile backerboard on the floor and tile then I will be done aside from painting. We still have to pick out paint for the livingroom. I think we will get to that this weekend. Friday is the hockey game in Buffalo. $100 per ticket should be worth it since we are in 2nd row. Maybe I will have some pics to share.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
CBS Jericho
10/11/2006 Episode "Day Four"
So who is this guy who moves to a new town, seemingly prepared for the worst?
Let's see what we know so far.
He claims to have a police background.
He and his family do not want people to know their true identity or background.
He is familiar with effects of nuclear explosion/fallout.
He is familiar with interrogation (adrenalin to bring consciousness)
My guess is that this may not be a big conspiracy as it may seem. It could be a handfull of government people (perhaps CIA, maybe not) (handfull to say 20) who knew the attack was imminent (at least some degree of possible advance warning), picked Jericho as a safe place to ride out the nuclear threat and its aftermath.
It may be that they have or had this forehand knowlege and prepared for the worst. In a crisis situation it may be very prudent not to let anyone know that you have a stockpile of weapons or useful knowlege and/or preparedness for this disaster. However civil society may seem after such disaster you really must expect the worst. You can be benevolent but you certainly cannot be foolhardy when it comes to your own, your family's survival. When people become desparate, all bets are off.
This guy just may have the tools, the knowlege, the preparedness to survive where many others may not.
Now while he was at his laptop he was clearly sending a file, or at least a message but to whom ...and more importantly HOW??? If you address the how then the who really doesn't matter. You have to ask if he was sending a message locally within the town or to someone outside of town, somewhere. If the message sent was destined locally it could have been through WIMAX, of course assuming the hardware on the other end survived. If it was meant for someone outside Jericho it would most likely be over a secure network. There was no satellite phone connected to the computer that we saw so that would be a possibility but would it work in a basement? That would take more preparation that what we saw.
Again I will say that at least with what we know at this point this could be one person, part of a group numbering up to 20 or so and their families who picked Jericho to ride out the storm.
We'll see how much my mind changes in the next couple of episodes.
So who is this guy who moves to a new town, seemingly prepared for the worst?
Let's see what we know so far.
He claims to have a police background.
He and his family do not want people to know their true identity or background.
He is familiar with effects of nuclear explosion/fallout.
He is familiar with interrogation (adrenalin to bring consciousness)
My guess is that this may not be a big conspiracy as it may seem. It could be a handfull of government people (perhaps CIA, maybe not) (handfull to say 20) who knew the attack was imminent (at least some degree of possible advance warning), picked Jericho as a safe place to ride out the nuclear threat and its aftermath.
It may be that they have or had this forehand knowlege and prepared for the worst. In a crisis situation it may be very prudent not to let anyone know that you have a stockpile of weapons or useful knowlege and/or preparedness for this disaster. However civil society may seem after such disaster you really must expect the worst. You can be benevolent but you certainly cannot be foolhardy when it comes to your own, your family's survival. When people become desparate, all bets are off.
This guy just may have the tools, the knowlege, the preparedness to survive where many others may not.
Now while he was at his laptop he was clearly sending a file, or at least a message but to whom ...and more importantly HOW??? If you address the how then the who really doesn't matter. You have to ask if he was sending a message locally within the town or to someone outside of town, somewhere. If the message sent was destined locally it could have been through WIMAX, of course assuming the hardware on the other end survived. If it was meant for someone outside Jericho it would most likely be over a secure network. There was no satellite phone connected to the computer that we saw so that would be a possibility but would it work in a basement? That would take more preparation that what we saw.
Again I will say that at least with what we know at this point this could be one person, part of a group numbering up to 20 or so and their families who picked Jericho to ride out the storm.
We'll see how much my mind changes in the next couple of episodes.
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Doom And Gloom Report - N Korea
Well well, nobody wants to play with the "odd" little boy from the house on the corner. Maybe he was treated badly by a parent or two?? Perhaps made fun of by other school kids??
We've seen it before....whether the shunned ones once made fun of don leather trench coats and take their hostility out on their fellow classmates, stand atop a table to announce revolution in their "beer hall putsch" or developing a nuclear weapons to invade the once exclusive society of nuclear armed nations...there are fools, idiots and madmen at every turn.
Ok, so N Korea tested its nuclear weapon, but what's next? No one really knows. Because the society is so closed, so locked off from the rest of the world, so secret it looks like an asian version of ABC's LOST that there is basic disagreement of what happend. An agreement can be reached from many sources that yes, virgina North Korea tested a nuclear weapon....or at least there was a "seismic event" that was evidenced by at 4.2 tremor.
The scientific community can't even agree to the size of the test. I have seen reports that the size could have ranged anywhere from 1 KT to 5KT or more. There is always a comparison to the bomb that was dropped onto Hiroshima which was 10 KT or 12.5 KT depending on your source material. The difference between 10 and 12.5 is maybe .....10-20000 deaths?? not very significant in the grande scheme of things.
1 KT to 5 KT is significantly small.... Not your conventional city killer variety but rather small enough to use on the battlefield. Something large enough to ruin your opponents divisional battle plans.
There is disagreement also on how far N Korea is in terms of placing their newly found toy atop of a missle. Some say they are years away from making the bomb compact enough and others say they have the technical expertise at hand although not the practical working experience.
There is even one report that what was tested was a neutron bomb. Very very interesting if this true. For those too young or who don't rember a neutron bomb releases very high amount of radiation. The damage caused by this type of bomb is to the people from the effects of radiation while leaving infrastructure free from collateral damage. The United States developed a neutron bomb in the late 70's and ceased developement during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.
The place for this type of bomb is on the battlefield in both offensive first strike and defensive scenarios.
How do you threaten a madman who is so willing to sacrifice his people to begin with?
It would be like confronting a suicide bomber...."please mr. madman, take the vest off now and we won't have cut your food supply off, your heating oil off, your banking off, make your people live in squalor more so than they already are and if that doesn't motivate you, we'll pull the trigger on this gun we have pointed at your head" "Just take the damn vest off"
hence the dilema
What people fail to understand is it doesn't matter at all what they reasons are on how and why we got to this point in time. Pointing the finger doesn't do any good as this was going to happen anyway. Whether it was today or five years from now, N Korea was going to develope their own nuclear weapon.
Some people play by their own rules.
Meanwhile....keep stocking your safe room in your basement.
We've seen it before....whether the shunned ones once made fun of don leather trench coats and take their hostility out on their fellow classmates, stand atop a table to announce revolution in their "beer hall putsch" or developing a nuclear weapons to invade the once exclusive society of nuclear armed nations...there are fools, idiots and madmen at every turn.
Ok, so N Korea tested its nuclear weapon, but what's next? No one really knows. Because the society is so closed, so locked off from the rest of the world, so secret it looks like an asian version of ABC's LOST that there is basic disagreement of what happend. An agreement can be reached from many sources that yes, virgina North Korea tested a nuclear weapon....or at least there was a "seismic event" that was evidenced by at 4.2 tremor.
The scientific community can't even agree to the size of the test. I have seen reports that the size could have ranged anywhere from 1 KT to 5KT or more. There is always a comparison to the bomb that was dropped onto Hiroshima which was 10 KT or 12.5 KT depending on your source material. The difference between 10 and 12.5 is maybe .....10-20000 deaths?? not very significant in the grande scheme of things.
1 KT to 5 KT is significantly small.... Not your conventional city killer variety but rather small enough to use on the battlefield. Something large enough to ruin your opponents divisional battle plans.
There is disagreement also on how far N Korea is in terms of placing their newly found toy atop of a missle. Some say they are years away from making the bomb compact enough and others say they have the technical expertise at hand although not the practical working experience.
There is even one report that what was tested was a neutron bomb. Very very interesting if this true. For those too young or who don't rember a neutron bomb releases very high amount of radiation. The damage caused by this type of bomb is to the people from the effects of radiation while leaving infrastructure free from collateral damage. The United States developed a neutron bomb in the late 70's and ceased developement during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.
The place for this type of bomb is on the battlefield in both offensive first strike and defensive scenarios.
How do you threaten a madman who is so willing to sacrifice his people to begin with?
It would be like confronting a suicide bomber...."please mr. madman, take the vest off now and we won't have cut your food supply off, your heating oil off, your banking off, make your people live in squalor more so than they already are and if that doesn't motivate you, we'll pull the trigger on this gun we have pointed at your head" "Just take the damn vest off"
hence the dilema
What people fail to understand is it doesn't matter at all what they reasons are on how and why we got to this point in time. Pointing the finger doesn't do any good as this was going to happen anyway. Whether it was today or five years from now, N Korea was going to develope their own nuclear weapon.
Some people play by their own rules.
Meanwhile....keep stocking your safe room in your basement.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Amish Bedtime Story
Johann stroked his long beard as he leaned a little forward, closer to the lamp light. The shadows danced on the walls. His little audience consisted of Jonas who was four years old, Rebecca 5, Samuel 4 and Katie 4. They were huddled together and listening intently.
What was about to begin is a right of passage for these youngest of the Amish. It is an age where chores and responsibilities begin in earnest. Certainly care free youth still has a place in these children and will so for years even after tonight but tonight is the right of passage. It is something the children have heard rumors of but have never, ever been told about.
The night was perfect for this particular story telling as it was raining, the wind howling sometimes fiercely and an occasional thunder and lightning. It would surely keep the children's attention.
So Jonas started his story. He spoke of how important it was to obey one's elders and keep up with the chores of the day. He spoke of a child or perhaps there were several, it had been so long he was uncertain, who regulary had to be scolded and prodded to be obedient. These children he spoke of had somehow lost their way but they could be saved he said.
Jonas paused to gauge the effect so far. The children were still huddles together, all was going well.
Jonas continued. One night, on a night such as this he said a man came to take those children away....away from their families, away from their community, away from everything they know to be dear, never to bee seen of again. This man craved badly behaven children and if these four didn't straighten up that this man would be comming for them as well!!
Who is this man?
When does he come?
What does he look like?
The children asked in unison.
He comes at night Jonas said so no one can see him. No one has ever seen his face expect the children he has taken and those children are gone....FOREVER!!
The children were starting to shake, the time was right as a clash of thunder swept over their homestead.
No one has ever seen this man and spoke of him he said. We only know that on nights like this when it is windy and raining and sounds of thunder fill the air he can come about and snatch those bad children from us. If on nights like this one you lay in your bed and you listen very closely you might be able to hear him when he comes for some unsuspecting child.
As you lay in your bed listen carefully between the raindrops hitting the roof and the thunder.....listen very closely for him.... you will know he is comming when you hear the clippity clop, clippty clop of his buggy. You'll know it is him as no one else would normally be out in this weather. If you hear this tell tale sign of his approach getting louder and louder be afraid, be terrified as he might just be comming for you, you, you or you. He's looking for all the bad apples and it might be YOU!! he picks this time. If you hear the clippity clop, clippity clop getting louder then suddenly stop outside your door. Hide quickly....he's here for YOU!!!
HE IS............
What was about to begin is a right of passage for these youngest of the Amish. It is an age where chores and responsibilities begin in earnest. Certainly care free youth still has a place in these children and will so for years even after tonight but tonight is the right of passage. It is something the children have heard rumors of but have never, ever been told about.
The night was perfect for this particular story telling as it was raining, the wind howling sometimes fiercely and an occasional thunder and lightning. It would surely keep the children's attention.
So Jonas started his story. He spoke of how important it was to obey one's elders and keep up with the chores of the day. He spoke of a child or perhaps there were several, it had been so long he was uncertain, who regulary had to be scolded and prodded to be obedient. These children he spoke of had somehow lost their way but they could be saved he said.
Jonas paused to gauge the effect so far. The children were still huddles together, all was going well.
Jonas continued. One night, on a night such as this he said a man came to take those children away....away from their families, away from their community, away from everything they know to be dear, never to bee seen of again. This man craved badly behaven children and if these four didn't straighten up that this man would be comming for them as well!!
Who is this man?
When does he come?
What does he look like?
The children asked in unison.
He comes at night Jonas said so no one can see him. No one has ever seen his face expect the children he has taken and those children are gone....FOREVER!!
The children were starting to shake, the time was right as a clash of thunder swept over their homestead.
No one has ever seen this man and spoke of him he said. We only know that on nights like this when it is windy and raining and sounds of thunder fill the air he can come about and snatch those bad children from us. If on nights like this one you lay in your bed and you listen very closely you might be able to hear him when he comes for some unsuspecting child.
As you lay in your bed listen carefully between the raindrops hitting the roof and the thunder.....listen very closely for him.... you will know he is comming when you hear the clippity clop, clippty clop of his buggy. You'll know it is him as no one else would normally be out in this weather. If you hear this tell tale sign of his approach getting louder and louder be afraid, be terrified as he might just be comming for you, you, you or you. He's looking for all the bad apples and it might be YOU!! he picks this time. If you hear the clippity clop, clippity clop getting louder then suddenly stop outside your door. Hide quickly....he's here for YOU!!!
HE IS............
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Family Update
We were out of town last weekend as Shelly had an interview with ConAgra. They put us up in a hotel suite and while Shelly was meeting with plant management all day Friday I was looking over the area. I had already done some house hunting online and already been preapproved for a mortgage just in case. I also had set up a couple of property viewings.
The Human Resource Manager is a person Shelly used to work with so they have worked together in the past. Erin (HR Mgr.) took us to dinner with her family and told Shelly of their offer. Not one person Shelly met with Friday had a negative thing to say about her!! Not expecting an answer over dinner and a couple beers she wanted us to think about it...take as mjuch time as we wanted.
We had a couple properties to view Sat so when we got back to our room that afternoon she gave Erin a call. lol Erin's boss had called twice to see if Shelly had accepted!! The relcation package was good but we thought with a house here and moving ourselves we would need a little more...Shelly suggested maybe another $1500. Erin would call her boss and 10 min later she called back and they although they can't up the relo (company max for her level) they would increase the sign on bonus by 60% to the max they can offer without getting corporate approval. Done deal!!!
Shelly got her Bachelor's degree last February and since then she has almost doubled her salary!!! Nice job hun!!
So we had one more house to look at right before we left Sunday morning.
To make a long story short, as soon as we walked through the door we loved it. I had been by Friday and we drove by a couple times Saturday and drove through the neighborhood and the town. Needless to say the electrical and water transfer is already set and Shelly gave her notice to Kraft today. By the end of this month we will be in a three bedroom two full bath ranch with plenty of space and yard and storage.
This house??? stay tuned.. depending on the appraisal we will either put it on the market or rent it out.
The Human Resource Manager is a person Shelly used to work with so they have worked together in the past. Erin (HR Mgr.) took us to dinner with her family and told Shelly of their offer. Not one person Shelly met with Friday had a negative thing to say about her!! Not expecting an answer over dinner and a couple beers she wanted us to think about it...take as mjuch time as we wanted.
We had a couple properties to view Sat so when we got back to our room that afternoon she gave Erin a call. lol Erin's boss had called twice to see if Shelly had accepted!! The relcation package was good but we thought with a house here and moving ourselves we would need a little more...Shelly suggested maybe another $1500. Erin would call her boss and 10 min later she called back and they although they can't up the relo (company max for her level) they would increase the sign on bonus by 60% to the max they can offer without getting corporate approval. Done deal!!!
Shelly got her Bachelor's degree last February and since then she has almost doubled her salary!!! Nice job hun!!
So we had one more house to look at right before we left Sunday morning.
To make a long story short, as soon as we walked through the door we loved it. I had been by Friday and we drove by a couple times Saturday and drove through the neighborhood and the town. Needless to say the electrical and water transfer is already set and Shelly gave her notice to Kraft today. By the end of this month we will be in a three bedroom two full bath ranch with plenty of space and yard and storage.
This house??? stay tuned.. depending on the appraisal we will either put it on the market or rent it out.
CBS Jericho
ok... 3rd episode and they place it 18 hours after blast. There's not really anything to be overly critical about in this last episode so we will take a look at the attack itself.
Terrorist?? Not very likely since there were multiple targets....about 8 or more. I can see them getting off a small one maybe twice but nothing more than that.
If you look at the targets Boulder, Wichita, Atlanta, Philidelphia, Chicago, Seattle??, etc. these aren't military targets and they are not major population centers they are something in between. The targets weren't meant to be a knockout punch militarily speaking as they did not hit command and control centers. It was not meant to totally anihalate the country as medium sized population centers were hit. In a boxing analogy we were hit with a punch we didn't see comming and we were knocked back a couple of steps.
In this last episode the folks in the bar picked up a possible chinese broadcast from their satellite dish. Ever think this town is soon to run out of gas for those generators??? some chance is there still an electrical grid fully functional??? Now how is it a town in Kansas can pick up a chinese satellite?? I suppose it is possible considering radio frequency can "skip" around in the ionosphere and be picked up 100's and even 1000's of miles from the source. That is earthbound communications though. Does the same apply to earth/space/earth communications?
Can someone living in Kiev pick up MTV Latin America with his dish?? He certainly could if the signal was beamed to him. Communication satellites are normally parked in a geostationary orbit. For example...generally speaking, DirecTV has theirs over Texas. It is commonly known that although DirecTV's audience is American and yes the signal footprint is ConUS (continental US) households in Canada can receive the signal.
I am going to guess what was picked up on the satellite dish was a direct broadcast on not "skip". If it were "skip" the source would most likely be ground based rather than space and would have been received by regular tv with rabbit ears. My guess that this was a direct broadcast. The question remains though, is an asian broadcast to/from asia (thinking Chinese or N. Korean) able to be picked up in Kansas? If someone has an answer please drop a note.
Now there is mention in the previews for the next episode that "they're comming". This was from a refugee from Colorado. Who is "they"?? One obvious though is more refugees are comming. There would be a virtual exodus from any area near the blast to a safer area. There was mention of fighter jets in this last episode. Of course everything we have would be airborn in a possible attack but is the jets scrambling and "they're comming" and the chinese broadcast connected?? Is it possible that the country was invaded and the nuclear explosions a first strike?
perhaps we'll see, stay tuned.
Terrorist?? Not very likely since there were multiple targets....about 8 or more. I can see them getting off a small one maybe twice but nothing more than that.
If you look at the targets Boulder, Wichita, Atlanta, Philidelphia, Chicago, Seattle??, etc. these aren't military targets and they are not major population centers they are something in between. The targets weren't meant to be a knockout punch militarily speaking as they did not hit command and control centers. It was not meant to totally anihalate the country as medium sized population centers were hit. In a boxing analogy we were hit with a punch we didn't see comming and we were knocked back a couple of steps.
In this last episode the folks in the bar picked up a possible chinese broadcast from their satellite dish. Ever think this town is soon to run out of gas for those generators??? some chance is there still an electrical grid fully functional??? Now how is it a town in Kansas can pick up a chinese satellite?? I suppose it is possible considering radio frequency can "skip" around in the ionosphere and be picked up 100's and even 1000's of miles from the source. That is earthbound communications though. Does the same apply to earth/space/earth communications?
Can someone living in Kiev pick up MTV Latin America with his dish?? He certainly could if the signal was beamed to him. Communication satellites are normally parked in a geostationary orbit. For example...generally speaking, DirecTV has theirs over Texas. It is commonly known that although DirecTV's audience is American and yes the signal footprint is ConUS (continental US) households in Canada can receive the signal.
I am going to guess what was picked up on the satellite dish was a direct broadcast on not "skip". If it were "skip" the source would most likely be ground based rather than space and would have been received by regular tv with rabbit ears. My guess that this was a direct broadcast. The question remains though, is an asian broadcast to/from asia (thinking Chinese or N. Korean) able to be picked up in Kansas? If someone has an answer please drop a note.
Now there is mention in the previews for the next episode that "they're comming". This was from a refugee from Colorado. Who is "they"?? One obvious though is more refugees are comming. There would be a virtual exodus from any area near the blast to a safer area. There was mention of fighter jets in this last episode. Of course everything we have would be airborn in a possible attack but is the jets scrambling and "they're comming" and the chinese broadcast connected?? Is it possible that the country was invaded and the nuclear explosions a first strike?
perhaps we'll see, stay tuned.
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