Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Barack Obama's Connection To President Abraham Lincoln

Direct Link To My .pdf File of Barack Obama's Genealogical Connection To President Abraham Lincoln.

When the presidential primaries started and Barack Obama won in Iowa I felt that we had finally grown as a country. I shared my feelings with my wife Shelly and she quickly reminded me we as a country took just as much of a step forward with Hillary.

It is of great importance that Barack Obama came to us at a time in our history when we needed him the most.

Since I have been working on my genealogy for well over one year now I have come across many interesting and noteworthy people that we are connected to. I even put some of it in a small book to give to my immediate family for Christmas. One of those people is Dick Cheney which I discovered some time ago. Another interesting and noteworthy person is President Abraham Lincoln.

I have one line on each side of my family, Fisk(e) from my father and Bigelow from my mother's side that can be traced back to the early Massachusetts settlements. This is where I came up with the name of my family history site Fiske-Bigelow If two families can be traced back to those early settlements then it is not surprising to find that they intermarried.

It was a little interesting when at some point during the presidential campaigns that it was discovered that Barack Obama was a cousin of Dick Cheney. If I have a connection to Dick Cheney and Barack Obama has a connection to Dick Cheney then not only would I have a connection to Barack Obama....

By the way, my son Zachary just loves the idea he's related.

but through my family line somewhere would Barack Obama have a connection to President Abraham Lincoln.

I thought it was fitting that today on CNN there was a spot on the similarities between Barack Obama and President Lincoln...the man for hope, for change, etc so I thought today was as good as any other to get my site up with that information.

The Fiske-Bigelow site is set up where the photos and stories are separate from the main pages and consequently the family links within the photo pages are not accurate and photos/stories are not located in the main pages.

One is updated frequently whereas the other is not.

The file that shows how Barack Obama is connected to Abraham Lincoln can be found within http://www.fiske-bigelow.com/Photos.htm then viewing either page for President Lincoln or Barack Obama.

Or, you can Go There Directly

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