I just ordered the last gift card so it looks like all the shopping is done, finally. I did my part in trying to jump start the economy by dropping some serious coin at all the usual stores...WalMart, Amazon.com, Target, etc.
Not too long ago we had some visitors. Every now and then we would go out onto the upper deck and there would be several deer down behind us. One time we were hearing a racket and I look out the window and there must have been 20-30 turkeys. Ok, I have seen that many turkeys before...one time comming home to this house I took a turn off the highway, made my 2nd turn and had to stop dead in my tracks and wait for all the turkeys, again 20-30, to cross the road.
This time at the house though they were flying. They would fly from tree top to tree top, probably some 50-80 ft off the ground. What a sight.
This one I caught in our driveway.
This photo gives you an idea of how high up these things were flying. It kind of looks a little odd to see something that big flying awkwardly, stumbling through the air.
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