I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Saturday was the prom for Watertown High School so we made a day of shopping then getting to see Amanda and Ashley in their gowns for pics before they headed off for the evening.
You stop and think that my little girl 18 years old and graduating high school this year. As a parent you always have your concerns about your children. you know... are they doing well in school? Are their friends a good influence on them?? Is there something more I can or could have done?? Well, Amanda is a very nice young lady and have gotten many comments. Don't let the hair and the piercings fool ya lol. If you read this Amanda, I'm proud of you :)
We hired a contractor to replace the front porch roof. Don't ask me why we didn't have that done when the deck was replaced although I do remember the contractor thought some new flashing would take of the leak near the front door....well, it didn't so we will have it done and soffit put in the match the rear porch.
I got to make my moulding for the front door last week. Certainly I am not an expert and don't have the equipment of one but it does look nice and you have to look close to see a couple of mistakes. We decided on waiting til we were done with the kitchen to have the baseboard moulding custom made. I can't seem to get close enough to match what we already have in the house. There's something about removing the moudling and seeing square nails lol
A little travel news:
We confirmed with my brother-in-law for a visit towards the end of June to early July. He is scheduled to head back to Iraq in December so Georgia here we come. They live near Savannah so it looks like a day trip to Tybee Island is in order. From what I have read it looks to be a little bit for all of us...nature trails, 200 year old light house, sea turtles...ect.